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新课标下的高中历史课堂教学是师生共同分享知识和经验,共同交流与心灵碰撞的舞台。一定程度上来看,高中历史课堂教学的有效性,关键在于教师与学生是否心灵相通。实践结果表明,教师与学生心灵相通的班级,课堂气氛活跃,师生关系融洽,师生间能不断碰撞出智慧的火花;反之,则课堂教学沉闷,毫无生气,师生的思维和潜能都得不到升华。高中历史教师情绪良好,会使学生精神振奋,而教师不良的情绪会抑制学生的智力活动。这在另一方面说明师生间情感相互交融、相互激励、相互促进,对教学效果的提高有很大作用。因此,教师应该以饱满的热情开展教学工作,以自己的情绪感染学生,达到师生互动的最佳效果。我认为高中历史教学中师生情感的沟通应做到:一、实现心灵的碰撞高中历史教学中,教师要真诚的尊重和信任学生,创设一种和谐安全的课堂气氛,实现心灵的碰撞,给学生展示自己、敢于亮出自 The new curriculum under the high school history classroom teaching is a stage where teachers and students share knowledge and experience together, exchange ideas and minds together. To a certain extent, the key to the effectiveness of history teaching in senior high schools lies in whether teachers and students are connected with each other. The practice shows that teachers and students have the same mood, active classroom atmosphere, harmonious relationship between teachers and students, teachers and students can constantly collision sparks of wisdom; the other hand, the classroom teaching dull, lifeless, teachers and students thinking and potential are No sublimation. High school history Teachers in good spirits, will make students excited, and teachers of bad emotions will inhibit students’ intellectual activity. On the other hand, this shows that emotion between teachers and students interacts with each other, stimulates each other and promotes each other, which plays an important role in improving teaching effectiveness. Therefore, teachers should be full of enthusiasm for teaching, with their own emotions infected students, to achieve the best effect of teacher-student interaction. In my opinion, the communication between teachers and students in high school history teaching should be done as follows: First, to realize the collision of minds In the history teaching of high school, teachers should sincerely respect and trust students, create a harmonious and safe classroom atmosphere, Students show themselves, dare to show up
1987年12月中旬至1988年1月中旬,唐山市某学院学生中发生军团病流行,现将我们收治的2例嗜肺军团菌肺炎报告如下: 例1 男,19岁,学生。病前其宿舍一同学因持续高热、寒战4天,
支气管哮喘是常见病。过敏性哮喘病人在吸入过敏原做支气管激发试验时,可产生两种不同形式的支气管收缩反应,即速发哮喘反应(Immediate asthmatic response,IAR)和迟发哮喘
营养药也过敏 小学三年级的王哲从小发育较差,这成了妈妈的一块心病。方法用过不少,都没有明显效果。一次家长会上,王哲妈妈看到自己的儿子是班里个头最小的,心里难过极了。