Comparison of phylobetadiversity indices based on community data from Gutianshan forest plot

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Nuangfeng0915
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Phylobetadiversity incorporates phylogenetic information and beta diversity,and can account for the ecological similarities between communities with a phylogenetic perspective.Although different phylobetadiversity indices reflect differences in different characteristics between communities,the results of different phylobetadiversity indices are not comparable.In this study we examined phylobetadiversity indices for a 24-hm 2 plot in the Gutianshan National Nature Reserve.It was found the abundanceweighted D pw was almost identical to Rao’s D of Rao’s quadratic entropy.PhyloSor had a similar ecological meaning and algorithm to UniFrac.Although Dnn was different in definition from UniFrac and PhyloSor,they were all strongly correlated.The effect of species abundance on phylobetadiversity was not significant when scales were relatively small,but was significant at larger scales.These contrasts likely resulted from reductions in evenness in communities as scales increased.P ST and Rao’s H better reflected the distance-decay changes caused by spatial and habitat variation than other indices at larger scales,whereas AW-D nn and D nn better reflected these changes at small scales. Phylobetadiversity incorporates phylogenetic information and beta diversity, and can account for the ecological similarities between communities with a phylogenetic perspective. Although different phylobetadiversity indices reflect differences in different characteristics between communities, the results of different phylobetadiversity indices are not comparable. This this study we examined phylobetadiversity indices for a 24-hm 2 plot in the Gutianshan National Nature Reserve. It was found the abundanceweighted D pw was almost identical to Rao’s D of Rao’s quadratic entropy. PhyloSor had a similar ecological meaning and algorithm to UniFrac .Although Dnn was different in definition from UniFrac and PhyloSor, they were all significant correlated. The effect of species abundance on phylobetadiversity was not significant when scales were relatively small. but was significant at greater scales. these ofconclusionss likely caused from reductions in evenness in communities as scales increased .P ST and Rao’s H better reflected the distance-decay changes caused by spatial and habitat variation than other indices at larger scales, where AW-D nn and D nn better reflected these changes at small scales.
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摘要: 宫崎骏是日本著名的动漫大师,其作品是日本乃至是世界整个动漫行业发展的重要里程碑。在宫崎骏的动漫电影中,音乐扮演着重要的角色。只有了解宫崎骏动漫电影作品中的音乐特色才能深刻理解其动漫电影的主题思想。本文拟从音乐在宫崎骏动漫电影中的重要性出发,重点分析动漫作品中的音乐特色以及音乐在作品中的具体体现,旨在揭示宫崎骏动漫电影艺术中音乐的艺术魅力。  关键词:宫崎骏 动漫电影 音乐特色 配乐  
男11例,女6例,年龄4岁5个月~12岁9个月.病史最短1个月,最长3年余.胃肠X线钡餐检查结果:胃窦炎12例,球部溃疡2例,胃粘膜脱垂1例,无异常发现2例. 11 males and 6 females, aged
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