
来源 :陕西水力发电 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lollipop1910
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黄河上游八盘峡水电站于1975年建成畜水发电,装机五台,单机为3.6万千瓦,总装机容量为18万千瓦.1~*、2~*机为国产机组,3~*~5~*机为瑞士机组.由于机组不同,水工建筑结构也有区别,1~*、2~*机尾水管下锥管混凝土外层衬10毫米厚的钢板,施工时为Ⅲ期混凝土回填,由于钢板与Ⅱ期混凝土之间只有30厘米的距离,Ⅲ期混凝土浇筑振捣稍一疏忽很易引起施工质量问题.我们检查时看到2~*机尾水管进入门周围漏水严重,门叶振动,地面有一层淤泥.由于机组运行时产生低频振动,导致进入门周围原来质量就较差的混凝土开裂,局部有松动,平均宽度在2~3厘米,最大开裂宽度为5厘米,深度为17厘米.进入门上部混凝土表面渗水,并有2厘米厚的钙质结石,混凝土质量较差.机组运行时发出隆隆响声及低频振动,使人感到非常难受. The upper reaches of the Yellow River Bapanxia Hydropower Station was built in 1975, animal power generation, installed five, stand-alone 36,000 kilowatts, with a total installed capacity of 180,000 kilowatts .1 ~ *, 2 ~ * machine for the domestic unit, The machine is a Swiss unit.Due to the different units, the structure of the hydraulic structure is also different, 1 ~ *, 2 ~ * tail pipe under the concrete tube lined with 10 mm thick steel plate, the construction for the stage Ⅲ concrete backfill, due to steel And only a distance of 30 cm between the concrete phase Ⅱ, Ⅲ concrete pouring vibration slightly overlooked easily lead to construction quality problems. We check to see 2 ~ * machine tailgate into the water around the door serious leakage, door leaf vibration, ground There is a layer of sludge.As a result of low frequency vibration during the operation of the unit, the concrete with poor quality around the entrance door is cracked locally and loosened with an average width of 2 to 3 cm, a maximum cracking width of 5 cm and a depth of 17 cm The concrete surface of the door is seeped with water and has a 2-cm-thick calcareous stone with poor concrete quality, making the unit very uncomfortable with rumble and low-frequency vibrations during operation.
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韩文功 ,王金铎 ,于建国 ,王兴谋 .非线性映照判别模型实现气藏地震检测 .石油地球物理勘探 .2 0 0 2 ,37(5 ) :5 2 4~ 5 2 9  与石油相比 ,地层中的天然气更加明显地表现出
腹壁造口对不能保肛的直肠手术仍是经典术式 ,但病人多因术后痛苦和生活不便而不愿意接受该手术。 1 990年 1月~ 2 0 0 3年 3月 ,我们设计腹膜外腹壁肌肉潜道可控性腹壁造口 ,
采用切槽爆破是减轻爆破对围岩损伤最有效的方法,本文介绍了切槽爆破、炮孔壁切槽钻具的结构原理和使用效果。 The use of slotted blasting is the most effective way to