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民族舞蹈的长足发展离不开其传承机制。从保护民族舞蹈发展的角度出发研究满族舞蹈的传承与发展,首先要对制约它的发展和传承的因素进行研究,理清这一舞蹈类型产生与发展的基础,才能进一步从传承方式上进行改进和创新。制约满族舞蹈传承与发展的因素研究,是本文研究的出发点之一。正是因为这些制约因素,导致满族舞蹈发展的滞后,甚至是几近消亡。一、历史条件变化使满族舞蹈的生存空间日益萎缩 The long-term development of national dance is inseparable from its inheritance mechanism. To study the inheritance and development of Manchu dance from the perspective of the development of national dance, we must first study the factors which constrain its development and inheritance, clarify the foundation of the generation and development of this type of dance, and then make further improvement from the way of inheritance And innovation. The factors that restrict the inheritance and development of Manchu dance are one of the starting points of this study. It is precisely because of these constraints that led to the development of Manchu dance lag, or almost died. First, changes in historical conditions make Manchu dance shrinking living space
本刊讯 最近,江南造船厂13位没有大学文凭的安全干部获得了技术职称的消息,在上海市引起反响,给凭真本领在本岗位努力工作的广大技术人员以极大鼓舞。 江南造船厂安全科共有2
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