
来源 :春秋 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chengyingying
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“教尔做人不作人,教尔不苟竟狗苟。而今俯首尔就擒,仍自教尔分人狗。”当年许多人都熟知陈毅这首痛斥反复无常的汉奸郝鹏举的诗句。郝鹏举作为中国抗战前后军界政界的一个标志性人物,其丑恶嘴脸已经被牢牢钉在历史的耻辱柱上。如今60多年过去,回想起当年的一幕,仍会激起我的愤恼之情,因为我曾亲身经历了与郝鹏举交往的一段历史。1942-1943年,苏北淮海地区经历了日寇的疯狂“扫荡”。我军反“扫荡”胜利后,开展了大生产运动。在人民物质生活有所改善的条件下,淮海区党委考虑到,既为丰富根据地军民的文化生活,也为今后革命的发 “In the past many people are familiar with Chen Yi’s first painful denounced the capricious traitor Hao Pengju poem.” As an iconic figure in the political circles before and after China’s war of resistance against Japan, Hao Pengju has firmly stuck his ugly face to the shame of history. Today, more than 60 years have passed, it is still aroused my agitation to recall the scene of that year because I had personally experienced the history of dealing with Hao Pengju. From 1942 to 1943, the Huaihai area in northern Jiangsu experienced the craze of the Japanese invaders. After the victory of our army against “mopping up”, we launched the mass production campaign. Under the conditions of improving people’s material life, the party committee of Huaihai District took into consideration that both the enrichment of the cultural life of the military and civilians in the base areas and the development of future revolutions
In this study,we investigated the community structure of crustaceans(decapod and stomatopod) inhabiting the sandy mud bottoms of Laizhou Bay(northeastern China)
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A cultured female half-smooth tongue sole(C ynoglossus semilaevis) was crossed with a wild male, yielding the fi rst fi lial generation of pseudo-testcrossing f
对临床常用的肾脏功能评价指标,包括实验室检查项目及国内外推荐公式,在衡量慢性肾脏病患者肾小球滤过率中的应用价值。 The clinical evaluation of renal function indica
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