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魏晋南朝的录尚书事,有一个值得注意的现象,就是一般由尚书省以外的公卿级官员兼任。这一现象的出现,与尚书省的“政本”地位密切相关。首先,以尚书省以外的要员任职录尚书事,能够增强尚书省处理政务的能力;其次,其他部门的要员有参与和掌握尚书事务的需要;最后,王朝有意用外来人员录尚书事,以形成录尚书事与尚书省长官的权力制衡。录尚书事首先必须总管尚书奏事。审署上奏文书、参与和主持公卿博议和尚书省的议政,是录尚书事“职无不总”的重要体现。 There is a noteworthy phenomenon that is recorded in the Wei, Jin and Southern Dynasties, that is, it is generally held by public officials outside the Shang Shu Province. The emergence of this phenomenon is closely related to the “political status” of Shangshu Province. First of all, taking posts outside the Shangshu provincial office as a clergyman can enhance the ability of the Shangshu Province to handle government affairs; secondly, key officials in other departments have the need to participate in and grasp the affairs of the Shang Shu; and finally, the dynasty intends to record books and magazines with outsiders, In order to form a record and Shangshu governor’s power checks and balances. Lu Shangshu must first manage the book first thing to do. It is an important manifestation of the Lushangshu School’s “no-nonsense work” that the Systematic Review Commission played an active role in participating in and conducting the deliberations of the Qing government.
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经过一年多的申请,中税协日前收到教育部的批复,同意中税协创办非学历远程继续教育网校,中国注册税务师协会网校(www.cctaa-wx.cn)(简称中税协网校)正式成立,全权承担 After
目的 评价注射用泮托拉唑钠对非曲张静脉上消化道出血的疗效和安全性.方法选择上消化道出血患者80例,泮托拉唑组50例,法莫替丁组30例,分别用泮托拉唑40 mg或法莫替丁20 mg加入0.9%生理盐水100 ml内,静脉滴注(30~60 min),每日2次,共5 d.观察生命体征和出血情况,并记录不良反应.结果治疗后3 d内泮托拉唑组45例(90%)止血,法莫替丁组13例(43.3%)止血,4~5
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