
来源 :抗日战争研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yjq888
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1941年皖南事变后,国共关系相对缓和,但国民党对陕北地区控制权的争夺并未停止,1943年夏季蒋介石误判日苏冲突在即,命令胡宗南7月10日闪击延安。此后因日苏关系趋于缓和,中共又获悉计划详情,蒋被迫暂停军事行动。随之中共全面改变“和国”政策,展开大规模政治攻势,国共紧张的军事对峙演变为舆论宣传战。而苏联公开介入国共冲突,刺激蒋介石再度计划进攻陕北,但罗斯福的反对态度及党内人士对英美停止援助的担心,军事制裁方案最终放弃,重新将中共问题定位为政治问题。由此可窥知,国际因素成为蒋介石考量战时国共关系的关键所在,但随着美苏深层次的介入国共冲突,国共关系及其实力的变化又转而成为影响美苏在华存在的重要变量。更为重要的是,闪击延安计划促使中共重新定位与国民党的政治关系,国共关系迅即迈入新的历史阶段。 After the incident in southern Anhui Province in 1941, the relations between the KMT and the CPC were relatively eased. However, the KMT’s fight over the control of the area in northern Shaanxi did not stop. In the summer of 1943, Chiang Kai-shek misjudged the conflict between Japan and the Soviet Union and ordered Hu Tsung-nan to flash Yan’an on July 10. Since then the relations between Japan and the Soviet Union have eased, and the CCP learned about the details of the plan, Chiang was forced to suspend the military operation. With the CPC’s overall change of the “country policy” and its massive political offensive, the tense military confrontation between the KMT and the CPC has evolved into a media propaganda war. The Soviet Union’s intervention in the KMT-CPC conflict openly stimulated Chiang Kai-shek to once again plan to attack northern Shaanxi. However, Roosevelt’s objections and fears of party members’ suspension of aid to the United States and Britain eventually gave up the military sanctions plan and repositioned the CPC issue as a political issue. It can be seen from this that international factors have become the key to Chiang Kai-shek’s consideration of the relations between the KMT and the CPC. However, with the deep involvement of the United States and the Soviet Union in the clashes between the KMT and the CPC, the relations between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party and their changes in power have become important variables that affect the existence of the United States and the Soviet Union in China. More importantly, the blitz of the Yenan plan prompted the CCP to reposition its political relations with the Kuomintang and the relations between the KMT and the CPC are now entering a new historical stage.
[摘要] 目的 探讨人性化护理对手术室腹腔镜胆囊切除术患者焦虑心理及护理满意度的影响。 方法 选择2014年1月~2016年1月我院住院进行腹腔镜胆囊切除术患者80例,所有患者根据护理方法不同随机分为干预组和对照组,每组各40例,对照组采取常规护理,干预组采取人性化护理,比较两组患者干预前后SAS评分及护理满意度。 结果 治疗前两组焦虑心理SAS评分比较无明显差异(P>0.05),治疗后干预组焦虑