Gene expression in retinoic acid-induced neural tube defects A cDNA microarray analysis

来源 :Neural Regeneration Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baiyunmtq
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BACKGROUND:Neural tube defects can be induced by abnormal factors in vivo or in vitro during development.However,the molecular mechanisms of neural tube defect induction,and the related gene expression and regulation are still unknown. OBJECTIVE:To compare the differences in gene expression between normal embryos and those with neural tube defects. DESIGN,TIME AND SETTING:A neural development study was performed at the Department of Neurobiology,Third Military Medical University of Chinese PLA between January 2006 and October 2007. MATERIALS:Among 120 adult Kunming mice,60 pregnant mice were randomly and evenly divided into a retinoic acid group(n = 30) and a normal control group(n =30).The retinoic acid was produced by Sigma,USA,the gene microarray by the Amersham Pharmacia Company,Hong Kong,and the gene sequence was provided by the Incyte database,USA. METHODS:Retinoic acid was administered to prepare models of neural tube defects,and corn oil was similarly administered to the normal control group.Total RNA was extracted from embryonic tissue of the two groups using a Trizol kit,and a cDNA microarray containing 1 100 known genes was used to compare differences in gene expression between the normal control group and the retinoic acid group on embryonic(E) day 10.5 and 11.5.Several differentially expressed genes were randomly selected from the two groups for Northern blotting,to verify the results of the cDNA microarray. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES:Morphological changes and differential gene expression between the normal control group and the retinoic acid group. RESULTS:Anatomical microscopy demonstrated that an intact closure of the brain was formed in the normal mouse embryos by days E10.5 and E11.5.The cerebral appearance was full and smooth,and the surface of the spine was intact.However,in the retinoic acid group on days E10.5 and E11.5,there were more dead embryos.Morphological malformations typically included non-closure at the top of the cranium and abnormal changes of the metencephalon and face. cDNA microarray analysis suggested that the changes in expression of seven different genes were similar on both days E10.5 and E11.5.These were downregulation of Nek7,Igfbp5,Zw10, Csf3r,Psmc6 and Rb1,and upregulation of Apoa-4.This study also indicated that Cdk5 expression was downregulated in the retinoic acid group on day E11.5.The results of the cDNA microarray analysis were partly confirmed by Northern blotting. CONCLUSION:CdkS,Nek7,Igfbp5,Zw10,Csf3r,Psmc6,Rb1 and Apoa-4 may be key factors in retinoic acid-induced neural tube defects. BACKGROUND: Neural tube defects can be induced by abnormal factors in vivo or in vitro during development. However, the molecular mechanisms of neural tube defect induction, and the related gene expression and regulation are still unknown. OBJECTIVE: To compare the differences in gene expression between normal embryos and those with neural tube defects. DESIGN, TIME AND SETTING: A neural development study was performed at the Department of Neurobiology, Third Military Medical University of Chinese PLA between January 2006 and October 2007. MATERIALS: Among 120 adult Kunming mice, The retinoic acid was produced by Sigma, USA, the gene microarray by the Amersham Pharmacia Company, Hong Kong , and the gene sequence was provided by the Incyte database, USA. METHODS: Retinoic acid was administered to prepare models of neural tube defects, and corn oil was as administered to the normal control group. Total RNA was extracted from embryonic tissue of the two groups using a Trizol kit, and a cDNA microarray containing 1 100 known genes was used to compare differences in gene expression between the normal control group and the retinoic acid group on embryonic (E ) Day 10.5 and 11.5. Selectively differentially expressed genes were selected from the two groups for Northern blotting, to verify the results of the cDNA microarray. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Morphological changes and differential gene expression between the normal control group and the retinoic acid group . RESULTS: Anatomical microscopy demonstrated that an intact closure of the brain was formed in the normal mouse embryos by days E10.5 and E11.5. The cerebral appearance was full and smooth, and the surface of the spine was intact. However, in the retinoic acid group on days E10.5 and E11.5, there were more dead embryos. Morphological malformations typically included non-closure at the top of the cranium and abnormal changes of the metencephalon and face. cDNA microarray analysis suggested that the changes in expression of seven different genes were similar on both days E10.5 and E11.5. These were downregulation of Nek7, Igfbp5, Zw10, Csf3r, Psmc6 and Rb1, and Upregulation of Apoa-4.This study also indicated that Cdk5 expression was downregulated in the retinoic acid group on day E11.5.The results of the cDNA microarray analysis were confirmed by Northern blotting. CONCLUSION: CdkS, Nek7, Igfbp5, Zw10, Csf3r, Psmc6, Rb1 and Apoa-4 may be key factors in retinoic acid-induced neural tube defects.
浙江省名、特、优经济林试点工作会议于1988年7月4~7日在萧山市召开。有关生产、科研、教学40多名代表参加。 这次会议是1986年建立试点以后的第三次会议。该试点工作是根据
以史为鉴 广传美食佳话    相传两千多年前,开明有为的舜帝在一次南巡时,走了整整四个月,杳无音讯。两位美丽的妃子娥皇、女英焦急难耐,终究敌不过对舜帝的思念之苦,便带领几名御厨和随从乘船逆江而上,靠岸巴丘(今岳阳县),到处打听舜帝下落。历经千难万险的娥皇、女英一行终于到达了美丽的洞庭山(今君山),却听闻舜王到了苍梧(今九嶷山)的消息,留守的士兵将士还转告二妃舜帝很快就会回来与夫人相聚。从此,娥皇、
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