Current-voltage characteristics of individual conducting polymer nanotubes and nanowires

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whynot2009
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We report the current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of individual polypyrrole nanotubes and poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) nanowires in a temperature range from 300 K to 2 K. Considering the complex structures of such quasi-one-dimensional systems with an array of ordered conductive regions separated by disordered barriers, we use the extended fluctuation-induced tunneling (FIT) and thermal excitation model (Kaiser expression) to fit the temperature and electric-field dependent I–V curves. It is found that the I–V data measured at higher temper-atures or higher voltages can be well fitted by the Kaiser expression. However, the low-temperature data around the zero bias clearly deviate from those obtained from this model. The deviation (or zero-bias conductance suppression) could be possibly ascribed to the occurrence of the Coulomb-gap in the density of states near the Femi level and/or the enhancement of electron-electron interaction resulting from nanosize effects, which have been revealed in the previous studies on low-temperature electronic transport in conducting polymer films, pellets and nanostructures. In addition, similar I-V characteristics and deviation are also observed in an isolated K0.27MnO2 nanowire. We report the current-voltage (IV) characteristics of individual polypyrrole nanotubes and poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) nanowires in a temperature range from 300 K to 2 K. Considering the complex structures of such quasi-one-dimensional systems with an array of ordered conductive regions separated by disordered barriers, we use the extended fluctuation-induced tunneling (FIT) and thermal excitation model (Kaiser expression) to fit the temperature and electric-field dependent I-V curves. It is found that the I-V data measured at higher temper-atures or higher voltages can be well fitted by the Kaiser expression. However, the low-temperature data around the zero bias clearly deviate from these obtained from this model. The deviation (or zero-bias conductance suppression) could be possibly ascribed to the occurrence of the Coulomb-gap in the density of states near the Femi level and / or the enhancement of electron-electron interaction resulting from nanosize effects, which have been revealed in the previous studies on low-temperature electronic transport in conducting polymer films, pellets and nanostructures. In addition, similar I-V characteristics and deviation are also observed in an isolated K0.27MnO2 nanowire.
现场疑云 刑警们从驼子的住房里出来,个个狐疑满腹。 驼子死于18处菜刀砍杀之下,法医鉴定系他杀无疑。而现场却无凶手遗留下来的蛛丝马迹。死者临死的形态从容平静,似无任何
一 别都均设置和县、鄙制度的确立 研究西周都城的历史形态时,可以发现一个非常重要的现象,西周王朝除将镐京作为主要都城之外,在关中地区和洛阳地区又广设别都,别都数量之
1990年的夏天,10岁的少年哈普失去了家里最后一个亲人——父亲。他不得不来到乌马河投奔叔叔。  叔叔给哈普联系了一所教育质量不错却离镇子较远的学校,哈普每天上学和放学都要绕着河边小道走大约20分钟。就在这个时候,叔叔家那只老得几乎看不出岁数的大黑狗闯入了哈普的生活。  这只名叫琥珀的狗,一只眼睛已经失明,左后腿还有些瘸。也许是太老了,它那裹着黑色毛皮的肥胖身体,行动迟缓,但它那只仍然明亮的琥珀色