军歌,本是军人唱的歌,歌曲的内容和风格并不贴近学生的生活,但对陶冶学生的情操却能起到重要的作用。九六年暑期开学初,我曾配合高·一新生的军训课,给学生举办了一次别开生面的军歌欣赏,竟收到了意想不到的效果。 起初,我只是从学生的军训课中受到启迪而产生了一种想法:既然军训对培养学生的组织性和纪律性能起到很好的作用,难道军歌就不能对学生的心灵进行薰陶吗?但我也清楚地知道,对这些少男少女们来说,他们所熟悉并感兴趣的是流行歌曲,对于大兵们唱
Military songs, the song is soldier singing, song content and style is not close to the student life, but to cultivate the sentiments of students can play an important role. At the beginning of the summer of 1996, I had collaborated with the high school freshman military training class and organized an extraordinary performance of military songs to students. I actually received unexpected results. Initially, I was inspired by the students’ military lessons and came up with the idea that since the military training played a good role in developing students’ organizational and disciplinary performance, can the military songs not be able to influence students’ minds? But I also clearly know that these boys and girls, they are familiar and interested in popular songs, singing for the soldiers