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习近平:要把人民健康放在优先发展的战略地位8月19日~20日,全国卫生与健康大会在京召开。中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平出席会议并发表重要讲话。他强调,没有全民健康,就没有全面小康。要把人民健康放在优先发展的战略地位,以普及健康生活、优化健康服务、完善健康保障、建设健康环境、发展健康产业为重点,加 Xi Jinping: Put people’s health in a strategic position of priority development From August 19 to August 20, the National Health and Wellness Conference was held in Beijing. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, chairman of the State Council and chairman of the Central Military Commission, attended the meeting and delivered an important speech. He emphasized that without universal health, there will be no well-to-do society. We must give priority to the people’s health in a strategic position, with a view to popularizing healthy living, optimizing health services, improving health security, building a healthy environment and developing a healthy industry. Plus
年初,辽河油出分公司提出,“堪探跨越式发展”的思路。通过近一年实验,勘探发展初见成效,2002年12月18日,记者目睹了一颗璀璨的“辽河明珠”。 At the beginning of this ye
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郝×× 男 28岁 于1986年8月,左眼被蚂蜂蜇伤,当即刺痛、流泪、畏光、视物不清,1小时后急诊来院。眼部检查:左眼视力0.4,眼睑呈痉挛状,轻度水肿,球结膜混合性充血(+),高度水
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