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追求卓越,用一流的工作精神,创一流的业绩,建一流的企业,这是对湘乡啤酒厂厂长孙菊四奋斗人生的真实写照。回顾孙菊四的历史,他所走的每一步都充满了风险和磨难,然而他那争强好胜的性格却培养了他开拓奋进,敢于争第一的精神。1976年为了接待到毛来席家乡来的客人,湖南省决定同时建立两座啤酒厂。当时年仅35岁的孙菊四任湘乡啤酒厂厂党委书记,正值风华正茂,他以超前的眼光和执著的追求,向省政府争取了在湘乡创建啤酒厂的任务。这是湖南食品工业上的第一个啤酒厂,他成了湖南首家啤酒厂的第一任厂长。从此,他就与啤酒结下了不解之缘。 1978年7月,湘乡啤酒厂生产出了湖南第一批优质啤酒,从此结束了湖南不能生产啤酒的历史。湘啤从无 The pursuit of excellence, the use of first-class work spirit, a first-rate performance, and building a first-rate enterprise are the true reflections of the life of Sun Jui-si, the director of Xiangxiang Brewery. Recalling the history of Sun Ju-shi, every step he took was full of risks and hardships. However, his competitive character cultivated his spirit of pioneering and forging ahead. In order to receive visitors to Maori’s hometown in 1976, Hunan Province decided to establish two breweries at the same time. Sun Jusi, who was only 35 years old, was party secretary of the Xiangxiang Brewery Factory. He was in a prime position. He took a forward-looking vision and persistent pursuit to win the task of establishing a brewery in Xiangxiang. This is the first brewery in Hunan food industry. He became the first director of Hunan’s first brewery. Since then, he has become indissoluble with beer. In July 1978, Xiangxiang Brewery produced Hunan’s first batch of high-quality beer, ending the history of Hunan’s inability to produce beer. Hunan beer never
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