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土地既是产业发展的基础载体又是空间约束,其各种功能支撑着产业结构的不断演进,而产业结构变迁又型塑了土地要素的市场需求。因此,工业地价变动与产业结构变迁联系密切,对二者关系的研究对推动土地市场化改革和产业结构转型升级有积极的意义。本文利用2007-2013年中国的工业用地出让数据,通过建立工业地价与产业结构变迁的PVAR模型,分析了中国东、中、西部三个不同地区的产业结构变迁与工业地价变动之间的互动效应。实证分析结果表明,工业地价与产业结构变迁之间能够同向协调、互相促进,但与此同时却也存在较大的地区性差异:①在东部地区,由于市场化水平较高,工业地价上涨与产业结构升级、产业结构优化的方向具有同一性;②在中部地区,工业地价上涨与产业结构升级之间形成了同向变动的良性互动,但是过高的工业地价并不利于地区产业结构优化;③在西部地区,工业地价变动与产业结构变迁的互动效应较弱,而且呈现出地价上涨不利于结构升级和结构优化的趋势。工业地价与产业结构变迁互动效应的地区性差异,来源于地区之间在经济发展水平与土地市场化进程方面存在的显著差异。因此针对实证结果,本研究提出以下政策建议:东部地区,应继续深化土地市场化改革以促进产业结构变迁;中部地区,应协调土地市场化与产业结构变迁的关系,适度对高地价进行调控;西部地区,则需要大力推进土地市场化改革然后再考虑对地价的调控。 Land is not only the basic carrier of industrial development but also the space constraint. Its various functions support the continuous evolution of the industrial structure, while the industrial structure changes the market demand of land elements. Therefore, the change of industrial land price is closely linked with the change of industrial structure, and the research on the relationship between the two is of positive significance to promoting the reform of land market and the transformation and upgrading of industrial structure. By using the PVAR model of industrial land value and industrial structure change in China from 2007 to 2013, this paper analyzes the interaction between industrial structure change and industrial land price changes in three different regions of East, Central and Western China. . The results of empirical analysis show that the industrial land price and the industrial structure change can coordinate and promote each other in the same direction, but at the same time, there are also large regional differences: ① In the eastern region, due to the higher marketization level, the industrial land price increases And the orientation of industrial structure optimization and industrial structure optimization are the same; ② In the central region, there is a positive interaction between the industrial land price increase and the upgrading of industrial structure in the same direction, but the excessive industrial land price is not conducive to the optimization of industrial structure in the region ; ③ In the western region, the interactive effect of industrial land price changes and industrial structure changes is weak, and the trend of land price increases is not conducive to structural upgrading and structural optimization. The regional differences in the interactive effects of industrial land prices and industrial structure changes are derived from the significant differences between regions in the level of economic development and the marketization of land. Therefore, according to the empirical results, this study proposes the following policy suggestions: In the eastern region, the land market reform should be continued to promote the industrial structure change; In the western region, it is necessary to vigorously promote the marketization of land reform and then consider the regulation of land prices.
仔犬先天性肌阵挛,国内尚无病例介绍.作者在校动物医院收治两窝共9只仔犬,发生经过及临床表现,极似仔猪先天性肌阵挛,所以暂称该病为仔犬先天性肌阵挛.介绍于下.1 发病情况及