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区域分工是现代经济十分突出的特征,其实质在于,区域在充分利用区域内优势的基础上实行专门化生产,并通过区际交换实现其产品价值,以满足自身对本区域不能生产或生产不利的产品的需求,从而扩大区域经济能力,增进区域利益。半个世纪以来,我国区域分工格局经历了由“均衡”一“非均衡”一“均衡”的发展战略的演变过程。当然这一过程并非由原始起点又回到原点的过程。我国实行“均衡”发展战略的转折点是西部大开发战略的提出和实施。西部大开发的基本途径是把资源优势变为经济优势,基本目标是缩小东西部差距,促进区域经济协调发展。西部大开发五年多来,国家采取了一系列重大措施,陆续在西部地区安排了一批重大开发项目,如西电东送、西气东输、南水北调、青藏铁路、生态建设以及基础设施建设,等等。据统计,五年间西部地区的全社会固定资产投资约为1万亿元。同时,国家在扶贫解困、税收返还、财政转移支付方面也给予了一定的倾斜。总的来看,西部大开发五年多来,西部地区GDP增长加快,基础设施框架已经展开,投资环境明显改善,退耕还林和退耕还草取得成效,生态环境恶化的趋势得到初步的控制。但资料也表明,从西部大开发实施五年多的结果看,缩小差距的拐点尚未出现,不仅绝对差距在扩大,而且相对差距也在继续拉大,这种差距不仅体现在发展水平、生活水平上,也体现在市场化程度、经济开放度和商业意识等体制、文化层面,这已是一个不争的事实。尤其值得注意的是,虽然三大地带间生产水平的差距大手生活水平的差距,但生活水平的差距拉大的速率仍在继续加大,这是造成心理失衡的重要因素。造成三大地带特别是东西部地区差距扩大的原因是多方面的,但区域分工贸易的非均衡性是一个重要的原因。 Regional division of labor is a very prominent feature of the modern economy. The essence of this is that the region implements specialized production on the basis of making full use of the advantages in the region and realizes the value of its products through regional exchanges so as to meet its own needs for not being able to produce or produce in the region Product demand, thereby expanding the regional economic capacity and enhance regional interests. For half a century, the regional division of labor in our country has undergone a process of evolution from a “balanced” to an “unbalanced” and “balanced” development strategy. Of course, this process is not from the original starting point and return to the origin of the process. The turning point in China’s implementation of the “balanced” development strategy is the formulation and implementation of the strategy of developing the west region. The basic approach to the development of the western region is to turn the advantages of resources into an economic advantage. The basic objective is to narrow the gap between the east and the west and promote the coordinated development of the regional economy. Over the past five years since the western development took place, the state adopted a series of major measures and successively arranged a number of major development projects in the western region, such as the transmission of electricity from the west to the east, the west-east gas transmission, the south-north water transfer, the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, ecological construction and infrastructure construction ,and many more. According to statistics, the total social fixed asset investment in the western region in the five years is about 1 trillion yuan. At the same time, the state has also given some leanings in poverty alleviation, tax return, and financial transfer payments. In general, over the past five years since the western development, the GDP growth in the western region has accelerated. The infrastructure framework has been expanded and the investment environment has been significantly improved. The conversion of cropland to forest and grassland has achieved results and the deterioration of the ecological environment has been primarily controlled. However, the data also show that from the result of more than five years of implementation of the large-scale development of the western region, the inflection point of narrowing the gap has not yet emerged. The absolute difference is not only widening, but also the relative gap is widening. This gap is not only reflected in the level of development and living standards It is also an indisputable fact that it is also reflected in institutional and cultural aspects such as the degree of marketization, economic openness and commercial awareness. In particular, it is worth noting that although the gap in the level of production among the three major zones is still far behind the standard of living, the rate of widening the gap between living standards has continued to increase, which is an important factor in causing psychological imbalance. The reasons for the widening gap between the three major regions, especially the eastern and western regions, are many. However, the imbalance in the division of labor across the regions is an important reason.
摘 要:爱美之心人皆有之,从古至今,人类一直都十分注重自身的体型美,完美的体型是女性不懈的追求。体型与饮食息息相关,饮食影响体型,同样体型也影响饮食。人体体型的结构大体相同, 但是具体的体态以及体型的比例却很不相同, 人体的体型就和长相一样千差万别,每个人都拥有不一样的体型,想要拥有完美的体型,则需要保持良好的饮食习惯。  关键词:大学女生 体型 饮食  一.体型分类  谢尔登人体分类法根据人体结
近年来,虽然财政工作的法治化程度及依法行政,依法理财的水平有所提高。但是,作为一名财政人,我们会感到在财政法制建设方面仍然有许多需要完善的地方。  一、财政法制建设中存在的主要问题  1、财政法律体系不健全的问题。随着社会经济形势的变化,法制建设的加强,国家虽然制定颁布了一系列财政法律,但目前现行有效的财税法律仅有预算法、政府采购法、会?计法、税收征收管理法等,与公共财政相适应的一些基本法律制度,
天气一天天冷了,年关一天天近了,楚雄彝族自治州刚刚遭遇了“11·02”特大地质灾害的灾区少数民族群众能不能过好年?恢复重建进展怎样?这一直让省民委领导班子牵挂。 The we
马云在做他一直想做的事情,帮助中小企业做买卖。上周,他受邀出席著名的纽约经济俱乐部并发表了主题演讲,阐述阿里巴巴的美国策略。他希望把美国中小企业推销给庞大的中国消费市场。    相比于国外的一些创业家,马云算是大器晚成了。20岁的比尔·盖茨创办了微软,21岁的乔布斯成立了苹果公司,25岁的佩奇和24岁的布林创立了谷歌。而当1999年马云带领团队创办阿里巴巴时,他已经35岁了,在他面前的是年轻的互联