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说实话,女孩子暗中多多少少有点羡慕章小蕙,因为不是人人都有勇气在破产之后,就连买块蛋糕也要去五星级酒店张罗。移步换景到美国,美国女人则是暗中羡慕前第一夫人杰奎琳买衣服时的那句豪言壮语:“同一款式,各种颜色,都来一件吧。”需要花钱的地方,总能看见令人会心一笑的人性本质。 To tell the truth, the girl secretly more or less a little envious of Zhang Xiaohui, because not everyone has the courage in the bankruptcy, and even buy a piece of cake also go to five-star hotel Zhang Luo. Step by step change of scenery to the United States, the United States is secretly envious of the former first lady Jacqueline when buying clothes rhetoric: “the same style, all kinds of colors, have a bar.” "Need to spend money , Always able to see the human nature of knowing smile.
A 3-D computational method to simulate stable growth of a macroscopic crack under model 1 condition is described in this paper. The Gurson-Tvergaard plasticity
论八十年代欧佩克中东成员国的石油经济调整──兼评1985年“新石油战略”“取得成功”论蔡英鹄ONREADJUSTMENTOFOILECONOMYOFTHEOPECMEMBERSTATESINTHEMIDDLEEASTIN1980S¥(CaiYingh... On the Oil Economy Adjustment of the Member Countries of the Middle Eas
1 病例资料患者女,37岁,已婚,G1P0,因反复盆腔包块13年,复发4 个月入院要求行第5次手术。该患者于13年前(1991年)因腹痛发现盆腔包块疑卵巢恶性肿瘤,在当地行剖腹探查术,因包
This paper studied the effect of different chromatographic parameters in RP-HPLC (for example,composition of mobile phase, temperature, number of carbon atoms w
对ATP(adenosine triphosphate)及其分解产物ADP(adenosine diphosphate)、AMP(adenosine monophcsphate)等采用胶束电动毛细管色谱法进行分离分析。电动色谱系统为:毛细管柱