Oscillating Disturbance Propagation in Passages of Multi-Stage Hydrogen Turbine

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:z2901153
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The propagation of oscillating disturbances with various frequencies in multi stage turbine passages in a rocket is analyzed using the oscillating fluid mechanics theorem and the parametric polynomial method. The results show that oscillating disturbances can be rapidly dissipated when the disturbance occurs at the inlet except for very high frequency oscillation such as 50 kHz. Dangerous low frequency oscillations occur at the outlet. The effects of the flow parameter variations on the oscillating disturbance propagation are also studied. The analysis will facilitate safe operation of the whole rocket system.  The propagation of oscillating disturbances with various frequencies in multi stage turbine passages in a rocket is analyzed using the oscillating fluid mechanics theorem and the parametric polynomial method. The results show that oscillating disturbances can be rapidly dissipated when the disturbance occurs at the inlet except for very Dangerous low frequency oscillations occur at the outlet. The effects of the flow parameter variations on the oscillating disturbance disturbance are also studied. The analysis will facilitate safe operation of the whole rocket system. 
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