
来源 :五台山 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ZHIWEINIU
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在黄土高原上,最惹眼的,就要数土窑洞了。它们一眼一眼镶嵌在大山间,像塬上人的眼睛。河曲是座卧在黄河边上的晋西北风情小县,一湾黄水轻轻把塬围住,这一围,围出了河曲民歌,围出了河曲美女,也围出了乡居窑洞。至今,乡民们日出而作,张嘴唱曲;日落而息,凿窑穴居。这窑,就是土窑洞——记不清多少年了,反正,塬上人祖祖辈辈就住在里面。 In the Loess Plateau, the most eye-catching, we must count the number of soil cave. They glimpse into the mountains at a glance, like the eyes of the high people. Meander is sitting on the edge of the Yellow River in the northwest style of small counties, a bay yellow water gently surrounded the plateau, the Wai, surrounded by folk music, surrounded by the beauty of the river, but also surrounded the township cave. So far, the villagers at sunrise, open mouth song; sunset and interest, Chisel cave. This kiln, is the cave hole - can not remember how many years, anyway, the ancestors of the ancestors lived on the inside.
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近年来,内蒙古自治区鄂尔多斯市司法局紧紧围绕“打基础、强基层、利长远、谋发展”的工作思路,通过多方努力,狠抓司法行政基层基础建设,取得显著成绩。 In recent years, t
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