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村民委员会作为农村的基层组织,在政治、经济、科技、文化和村民自治等活动中形成了大量具有保存价值和利用价值的各种载体的原始记录.建好村级档案,积极引导,加强管理,使之步人正轨,是档案事业向纵深发展的必然趋势,也是为农村奔小康服务的需要,必须抓紧建好、管好,早出成效.一、村级建档势在必行村民委员会经历了一个实力从小到大、管理范围从单一到全方位的过程.农村实行家庭联产承包责任制改革之前,集体农田耕作是农村的主要活动.随着改革的深人,农民逐渐从土地中解脱出来,工业、家庭副业、商贸运输业兴起,农村的形势发生了根本性的变化,精神文明和物质文明建设迅速发展.档案自然记录了这一历史性变化的原貌. Villagers committees, as grassroots organizations in rural areas, have formed a large number of original records of various carriers with preservation and utilization values ​​in such fields as politics, economy, science and technology, culture and villager autonomy, etc. Village-level archives have been built up to guide actively and strengthen management , So that people step on the right track, is the inevitable trend of the archive to the depth of development, but also for rural areas to serve the needs of the well-to-do, we must pay close attention to construction, control, early out. First, the village is bound to build archives village committee experience A process of growing from small to large and ranging in management from a single to an all-encompassing. Before the reform of household contract responsibility system in rural areas, the collective farmland farming was the main activity in rural areas. With the deepening reform, peasants were gradually released from the land The rise of the industry, the family sideline businesses, the commerce, trade and transport industry has taken a fundamental turn for the better in rural areas and the rapid development of spiritual civilization and material civilization has naturally documented the original appearance of this historic change.
题 已知函数f(x)=x/ax+b(a≠0)满足f(2)=1,且关于x的方程f(x)=x的解集为单元素集,求函数f(x)的解析式.