炮弹树?听着怪新鲜的。笔者也是去新加坡才有幸见到,于是把它摄入了镜头。花看上去挺柔美,而果就刚硬多了,有那么点“炮弹”的味道。炮弹树 Couroupita guianensis(英文名 Cannonball tree),玉蕊花科炮弹树属乔木。高可达18~30米;叶大,互生,长圆形至宽披针形,顶端急尖,全缘或有锯齿;总状花序着生在树干或大枝上,花两性。花径可达10~13厘米,肉质花瓣6枚,黄色或外黄内红色;开花多而结实少;果大,圆形,直径约25厘米,棕色,果实多汁,果肉包着许多小种子,果实成熟期约1.5年,成熟的果肉有恶臭。炮弹树产于美洲圭亚那,热带地区多引种栽培。用播种或扦插法繁殖。喜温暖潮湿、阳光充足、土壤肥沃疏松且排水良好的环境。树形高大,适合作庇荫树、观赏树。温带和寒带地区温室栽培,幼龄期供观赏。
Cannonball tree? Listen strange fresh. I also have the honor to go to Singapore to see, so I took it into the lens. The flower looks very soft, and the fruit is harder, so the point “shell ” taste. Cannonball tree Couroupita guianensis (English name Cannonball tree), verrucaceae cannonball trees are trees. High up to 18 to 30 meters; leaves large, alternate, oblong to broadly lanceolate, apex acute, entire or serrate; racemose was born in the trunk or branch, flowers bisexual. Flower diameter of up to 10 ~ 13 cm, fleshy petals 6, yellow or yellow inside red; flowering and more and less robust; fruit large, round, about 25 cm in diameter, brown, juicy fruit, the pulp contains many small seeds , Mature fruit about 1.5 years, mature flesh has stench. Cannon tree production in Guyana, the Americas, the introduction of cultivation in the tropics. Breeding with sowing or cuttings. Hi warm and humid, sunny, fertile soil loose and well-drained environment. Tall tree, suitable for shading trees, ornamental trees. Temperate and boreal greenhouse cultivation, young period for viewing.