围绕西部开发战略 搞好保险配套服务

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在2000年新春,中央作出了实施西部大开发的战略部署,这对经济相对滞后的西部各族人民来说,无疑是一次千载难逢的机遇,也给我省的人民保险工作提出了新的要求。曾为四川的国民经济发展作出重要贡献,年提供保险保障数千亿元、组织经济补偿达10多亿元的中国人民保险公司四川省分公司,一定要按照中央精神和省委、省政府西部大开发的战略部署,全力搞好保险配套服务。首先,要为四川的基础设施建设提供全方位的保险服务。今年是中央实施西部大开发战略的第一年,也是我省基础设施建设投入最大的一年,全省各地用于基础设施建设的资金将达1400亿元,要使这1000多亿元建设资金在投入使用中减少、避免自然灾害和意外事故风险,人民保险公司可以发挥其独特的防灾减损和经济补偿作用。因此,我们决心密切结合各地建设实际,把保险服务和保险保障工作做到从论证、开发到验收、使用的各个环节,并在《保险法》允许的范围内出台一些优惠政策,力争做到基础设施建设需要转嫁什么样的风险, In the spring of 2000, the central authorities made a strategic plan for implementing the large-scale development of the western region. This is undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the people of all ethnic groups in the western region who lag behind in their economy. It also sets new requirements for the people’s insurance in our province. Once made an important contribution to the development of Sichuan’s national economy, the People’s Insurance Company of China Sichuan Branch, which provides insurance coverage of hundreds of billions yuan and economic compensation of over 1 billion yuan, must follow the spirit of the Central Committee and the provincial government in western China The strategic deployment of large-scale development, and do a good job supporting insurance services. First of all, we must provide a full range of insurance services for the infrastructure construction in Sichuan. This year is the first year for the central government to implement the strategy of developing the western region. It is also the largest year for infrastructure construction in our province. The funds for infrastructure construction in all parts of the province will amount to 140 billion yuan. To make these 100 billion yuan in construction funds When it is put into use and reduced to avoid the risk of natural disasters and accidents, People’s Insurance Company can exert its unique functions of disaster prevention and reduction and economic compensation. Therefore, we are determined to closely combine the construction practice all over the country, and carry out the insurance service and insurance guarantee work from the demonstration and development to acceptance and use, and introduce some preferential policies within the scope permitted by the Insurance Law and strive to achieve the infrastructure What kind of risks need to be passed on in construction?
不宜高 不宜间作玉米和高粱等高杆作物,以免影响果树的通风透光性;宜间作红薯和豆类等矮秆作物。 不宜深 不宜与根系发达、扎根较深的作物间作,以免果树与作物之间发生争肥