
来源 :上海行政学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lqym2929
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乡村社会虽然具有“弱政治性”的特点,农民的政治态度却是影响经济发展、政治稳定与社会和谐的重要因素。随着整个中国社会朝向市场化的快速转型,农民的政治态度也经历了嬗变。本文通过对上海金山区吕巷镇农民的抽样调查发现,吕巷镇农民群体内部存在多种价值倾向,既有保守取向的成分也有自由取向的成分。作为一个整体,他们对社会现状满意度一般,对现任政府的信任度不算高,对现存的社会不平等现象有清晰的认知,有较为强烈的民主参与意识和需求,追求更高程度的社会公正,但又不希望发生社会冲突,尤其是激烈的社会冲突。这种较为复杂和矛盾的社会政治态度预示着农民行动取向的多种可能性。 Although rural society has the characteristics of “weak political ”, the political attitude of peasants is an important factor that affects economic development, political stability and social harmony. With the rapid transformation of the entire Chinese society towards marketization, the peasants’ political attitude has also undergone changes. Based on a sample survey of farmers in Luxiang Town, Jinshan District, Shanghai, this paper finds that there are many kinds of value tendencies within the farmer population of Luxiang Town, which have both conservative and liberal orientations. As a whole, they are generally satisfied with the status quo in the community, have a low level of trust in the incumbent government, have a clear understanding of the existing social inequalities, have a stronger sense of and participation in democratic participation and pursue a higher degree of Social justice, but do not want social conflicts, especially fierce social conflicts. This more complex and contradictory socio-political attitude indicates the many possibilities of peasant actions.
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