My Hometown

来源 :中学生英语·九年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:stoneinhigh
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  I live in a small village, which stands beside a small river. On both sides of the river are tall trees and wild grass.
  Great changes have taken place in my hometown since 1980s. You can see new houses and buildings here and there. Among the high buildings is a new house which was set up as a school for the children. People in my hometown know that education is important. So they send all their children to school and ask them to study hard at school.
  Thanks to the Communist Party of China, people in my hometown are living happy lives now. They don’t have to worry about food and clothing. Many of them even have TV sets, telephones and refrigerators.
  I love my hometown. I love our Party.
摘 要 教学评价是教学活动中不可获取的一环,内涵丰富,包括点评教师、学生,评价教学内容、教学方式与手段,监管教学环境、教学制度等诸多因素,但最为主要的还是研究教师的教和学生的学,且在课改背景下,教学评价有了新的变化,开始关注过程,重视全面发展,朝着评价主体多元化、评价内容多维化、评价手段多样化的方向发展,需要引起教师们的重视并为新的目标而努力。基于此,本文以小学语文课程为例,尝试探究发挥教学评价应
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教师节又到了。今年你准备以什么方式为老师们庆祝呢?本刊编辑决定为大家送上几部感人肺腑的教师电影,祝所有老师节日快乐!  Today, we have films made on each and every aspect (方面) of our life. One such important aspect of our life is our teachers. Various Teachers
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摘 要 教育激励理论主要是对初中生进行鼓励,要想激发出他们的学习主动性和激情,保障他们的学习质量和效果。教师在展开激励教学的时候,需要针对初中生展开正面评价,逐步提升他们的学习热情。初中生属于学习活动的主人,教师需要提升他们主人翁的认知,让他们对具体的学习活动充满激情,实现成绩方面的突破。基于此,本文主要针对教育激励理论在初中班级管理中的应用展开探究分析。  关键词 教育激励理论 初中 班级管理
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