Efficient Translation of LTL to B chi Automata

来源 :清华大学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yidatian2009
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The construction of B(u)chi automata from linear temporal logic is a significant step in model checking.This paper presents a depth-first construction algorithm to obtain simple B(u)chi automata from linear-time temporal logic which significantly reduces the sizes of the state spaces.A form-filling algorithm was used to reduce the size of the generated automata and the algorithms were applied directly to state-based B(u)chi automata,without transformation into transition-based automata.A form-filling algorithm for the B(u)chi automata,which is based on the form-filling algorithm for deterministic automata,was developed by redefining parts of the configuration of the B(u)chi automata as well as the transition function.The correctness of this form-filling algorithm was proven.Tests show that this approach is competitive,especially on LTL formulae in the form of G,F,and U.
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