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目的了解梧州市中小学生的营养状况,为制订相应的营养干预策略提供依据。方法采用整群抽样方法抽取梧州市2所小学、3所中学共5所学校,对所有在校学生测量身高、体质量,用身高标准体重法进行营养状况评价。结果2004-2007年梧州市中小学生营养不良率平均为31.13%,呈逐年下降趋势,肥胖率平均为6.49%,呈逐年上升趋势;女生营养不良率高于男生,而肥胖率低于男生。营养不良多发生于高中阶段,肥胖多发生于小学阶段。结论梧州市学生营养不良和肥胖同时存在,应加强合理营养的健康教育,在控制营养不良的同时,重视肥胖的防治工作。 Objective To understand the nutritional status of primary and secondary school students in Wuzhou and provide the basis for formulating the corresponding nutritional intervention strategies. Methods A total of 5 schools in 2 primary schools and 3 secondary schools in Wuzhou were sampled by cluster sampling method. The height and body mass of all students were measured, and the nutritional status of the students was evaluated by the height standard weight method. Results The average malnutrition rate among primary and middle school students in Wuzhou from 2004 to 2007 was 31.13%, showing a decreasing trend year by year. The average obesity rate was 6.49%, showing an increasing trend year by year. The rate of malnutrition was higher in girls than in boys and was lower than that in boys. Malnutrition occurred in high school, mostly in the primary stage of obesity. Conclusion The malnutrition and obesity of students in Wuzhou City exist at the same time. Health education of reasonable nutrition should be strengthened. At the same time, malnutrition control should be paid more attention to prevention and treatment of obesity.
2月27日 晴  光阴似箭,日月如梭,转眼间,一个新的学期又开始啦。早上,我早早起床,收拾好早已写好的寒假作业,兴高采烈地来到学校,只见我们班的许多同学已经到了,见面后,大家互相问好,交流寒假的所见所闻,接着,大家争先恐后地来到老师的办公室注册报名,就发生了一件件趣事。  老师换了! 听前面报到的同学说我们换新老师了!走进报到处,我看到的是一个全新的面孔,她带着眼镜,表情非常严肃。以我的第一直觉,
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2013年10月28日 晴  今天下午,第一节课下课,我在教室里玩,我突然听见有很多人在大声说:“寇爷爷来了,寇爷爷来了。”刚一开始我还不相信,我跑出去一看,寇爷爷真的来了,我们把寇爷爷迎进教室。  过了一会儿上课了,我心里想,上次听了寇爷爷讲的1+1=3,让我懂得了很多的道理。今天寇爷爷又会给我们讲什么呢?寇爷爷一进教室,就在黑板上写了很多字,人生的三样东西:时间、生命、青春,一去不复返;怒气、