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为探讨环境污染与哮喘患病率的关系和规范化管理对提高哮喘患者生活质量的关系。我们通过“九五”国家医学重点科技(攻关)计划专题《建立北京地区哮喘防治网提高患者生活质量》以统一设计的表格、步骤、不等比地进行分层、随机、整群抽样、问卷及必要的检查进行职业人群哮喘及其相关疾病患病率的流行病学调查,并建立了北京地区哮喘防治网,以使多数患者达到自防自治的水平,并能在最少药物控制下正常工作和生活。结果为:10个不同行业,50,558个样本的职业人群哮喘患病率流行病学调查显示:确诊哮喘患者630例,其患病率为1.25%,而市区商贸职工,普通化工厂职工,燕山石化职工的哮喘患病率依次为0.51%,1.06%,2.81%,普通化工厂和燕山石化职工的哮喘患病率均明显高于远郊区农民(O.43%,P<0.01)。哮喘先证者家族哮喘患病率为18.2%。在哮喘防治网中接受规范化管理和治疗的1226例患者对哮喘防治知识的掌握和理解水平有了明显提高,基本达到自防自治水平者797例(65%),89.5%的患者基本能在最少药物控制下正常生活和工作,用于哮喘的治疗费用减少35.9%。项目研究结果表明:①北京地区哮喘患病率与职业环境有关,提示环境污染可能是哮喘患病率增高的重要因素;②哮喘患者家族的哮喘患病率明显高于一般人群,应该视为控制哮喘患病率的重要环节之一;③哮喘防治网的建立和患者的规范化管理及治疗有利于提高患者的生活质量和减少医疗费用,应该纳入社区疾病防治系统。 To explore the relationship between environmental pollution and the prevalence of asthma and the relationship between standardized management and improving the quality of life of asthmatic patients. Through the “Nine Five” national key medical science and technology (tackling) project “Building Beijing asthma prevention network to improve patient quality of life” to a unified design forms, steps, unequally stratified, randomized, cluster sampling, questionnaire And the necessary checks for occupational population asthma and its prevalence of epidemiological investigations and the establishment of the Beijing area asthma prevention and control network to enable the majority of patients to achieve the level of self-protection and autonomy, and with minimal drug control to work properly And life. The results were as follows: Epidemiological survey on prevalence of asthma in occupational population of 50,558 samples in 10 different industries: 630 cases were diagnosed with asthma and the prevalence rate was 1.25%. However, the commercial and industrial workers in the urban area, the workers in ordinary chemical plants, The prevalence rates of asthma in petrochemical workers were 0.51%, 1.06% and 2.81%, respectively. The prevalence rates of asthma in general chemical factories and Yanshan Petrochemical workers were significantly higher than those in far suburbs (0.43%, P <0.01). The prevalence of asthma proband family asthma was 18.2%. The 1226 patients receiving standardized management and treatment in the asthma prevention and treatment network had a clear improvement in the mastery and understanding of the knowledge of prevention and treatment of asthma, basically reaching the level of self-defense and autonomy, 797 cases (65%) and 89.5% The normal cost of living and working under the control of drugs reduced the cost of treating asthma by 35.9%. The results of the study show that: ① The prevalence of asthma in Beijing is related to the occupational environment, suggesting that environmental pollution may be an important factor in increasing the prevalence of asthma. ② The prevalence of asthma in asthmatic families is significantly higher than that in the general population and should be considered as control Asthma prevalence one of the important links; ③ asthma prevention and control network and the establishment of standardized management and treatment of patients is conducive to improving the quality of life of patients and reduce medical costs, should be included in the community disease prevention and control system.
198 9年以来 ,我们共收治镰旁巨大脑膜瘤 6 7例 ,其中 7例在术中发生急性脑肿胀 ,骨窗处脑膨出 ,术中误诊为深部血管损伤 ,现分析如下。1 临床资料本组男 5例 ,女 2例 ,年龄
目的总结老年急性肺血栓栓塞的诊治方法。方法回顾分析 2 1例老年急性肺血栓栓塞患者的临床资料。结果 2 1例中 6例及时诊断 ,15例被误诊 ,误诊率达 76%。治疗则以溶栓、抗凝