
来源 :右江民族医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guipian110
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谈如何协调临床护理与带教中的矛盾右江民族医学院附院外二科黄素梅(百色533000)毕业实习是学生从理论走向临床实践的桥梁,针对医院护士人手少,临床护理工作繁忙,而带教花费的时间、精力较多,每日的护理工作难以完成的情况,如何保证护理工作的质和量,又不影... How to coordinate the contradiction between clinical nursing and teaching Youjiang Medical College Affiliated Second Hospital Branch Huang Sumei (Baise 533000) Graduation internship is a bridge for students to go from theory to clinical practice. There are few nurses in the hospital, and clinical nursing work is busy. It takes a lot of time and energy to teach, and it is difficult to complete the daily nursing work. How to ensure the quality and quantity of nursing work is inseparable...
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摘要:在初中物理教学中,电学中基本的定律——欧姆定律,是进一步学习电学知识和分析电路的基础。而本章中关于欧姆定律的应用之一——动态电路分析是学生学习过程中一个很大的难点。本文着重探讨了如何由零到整,帮学生找寻打通电路分析“任督二脉”的路径。  关键词:物理教学;动态电路;由零到整  中图分类号:G633.7文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2016)20-086-1首先,串并联知识仍然
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