Acid equilibrium during bioleaching of alkaline low-grade sulfide copper ore

来源 :Rare Metals | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:BenBenBenBen
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This article reports the study on acid equilibrium during bioleaching of alkaline low-grade copper sulfide ore. Adding auxiliary agents 1# (sulfur) and 2# (pyrite) makes bacterial leaching of copper and acid production carried out si- multaneously because the auxiliary agents can be oxidized by bacteria and the oxidation products involve acid. The acid required for dissolving alkaline gangue during bacterial leaching is produced, and acid equilibrium is reached during the ore bio-leaching. The recovery of copper reaches more than 95%. Adding auxiliary agents 1 # (sulfur) and 2 # (pyrite) makes bacterial leaching of copper and acid production carried out si- multaneously because the auxiliary agents can be oxidized by bacteria and the oxidation products involve acid. The acid required for dissolving alkaline gangue during bacterial leaching is produced, and acid equilibrium is reached during the ore bio-leaching. The recovery of copper reaches more than 95%.
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