Following the great teachings of Chairman Mao “Great Development of Mining”, the great leader, Benfang Nanfen Open-pit Mine, Bengang Iron and Steel Institute and the Beijing Mining and Metallurgical Research Institute of the Ministry of Metallurgy formed a pilot group of slurry-type anti-explosives. In combination with the characteristics of hard and explosive of Nanfen ore deposit, the experimental group made some laboratory and industrial tests on improving the power of slurry anti-explosives, reducing the content of TNT, gelling agent and crosslinking technology, respectively, and made some progress . Preliminary tests show that the slurry of N10 (TNT10%) can be used in water blasting in Nanfen Mine in summer and autumn, which can reduce the production cost and save the amount of TNT. In summer and autumn, the consumption of 500 tons of slurry explosives calculation, annual savings of about more than 50,000 yuan, saving TNT 35 tons. Gelatinizer locust bean gum, Sesbania, etc. are sex