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随着电子商务的发展,越来越多的华商开始关注这个领域。作为经济最发达的国家,美国对于投资者尤其具有吸引力。如果你也想在美国建立电子商务网站,那么你必须注意下列十大法律事项:(一)你拥有或控制你的网站吗?你最好在网站建好以前,签订一个转让和租用经营协议以保证能够真正拥有自己的网站.包括HIML代码和外观设计。如果没有这样一个书面协议,网站开发者将拥有这个网站的所有权利,而你作为投资方仅仅拥有建立该网站的意图和使用它的权利。此外,在签订协议的谈判过程中,你应该对协议的“附加条款”持谨慎态度,因为这些条款可能赋予开发者重新使用相关技术、构想,甚至从开发网站得来的代码的权利。(二)你的网站满足相关的稳私标准吗?收集有用户资料的网站应该清楚地声明他们收集和使用在线信息的政策。1998年6月4日,美国联邦贸易委员会发表了关于在线隐私权的报告,报告规定了网站在线隐私政策中必须包含四个原则,即提示、选择、途径和安全,并要求网站一旦公布了一项政策,就应绝对地遵守它。此外,从儿童那里收集信息时,你应该更加谨慎。《美国儿童在线隐私保护法》已于去年生效,适用于13岁及13岁以下的儿童,网站在收集、使用和发布他们的信息时必须遵守该法。 With the development of e-commerce, more and more Chinese businessmen are beginning to pay attention to this field. As the most economically developed country, the United States is particularly attractive to investors. If you also want to set up e-commerce sites in the United States, you have to be aware of the following top ten legal issues: (i) Do you own or control your website? You’d better sign up for an assignment and lease agreement Ensure that you really own your own website, including HIML code and designs. In the absence of such a written agreement, a web developer will own all the rights to this web site, and you, as an investor, have only the intent to set up the web site and the right to use it. In addition, you should be cautious about the “Additional Terms” of the agreement as the terms of the agreement negotiate, as these terms may give developers the option of reusing the technology, ideas, and even the code from developing the website. (B) your website to meet the stability standards related to it? The collection of user information website should clearly state their policies on the collection and use of online information. On June 4, 1998, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission published a report on online privacy that stipulates that there are four principles that must be included in a website’s online privacy policy, namely, tips, options, approaches, and security, and requires the website to announce once The policy should be absolutely abide by it. In addition, you should be more cautious when collecting information from children. The U.S. Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, which came into effect last year, applies to children 13 years of age and under, who must comply with the law when collecting, using, and posting their information.
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<正> 在六十年代末期,世界著名的美国女人类学家玛格丽特·米德(Margaret Mead)完成了一部影响很大的著作,内容专门分析和论述上一代人与下一代人之间产生的区别与隔阂。此书
1 国内外背景条件全球经济一体化的趋势使国际竞争日益加剧,信息对于决策日益起着决定性的作用。竞争实力强弱首先取决于对信息的获取和利用能力,高素质的、富有开拓精神的
[摘要]现任经理参与的杠杆收购称为管理层收购(managementbuyout,MBO)。在我国,兴起MBO的背景是国有企业改革,使之成为国有资产退出的途径。本文试图从我国上市公司进行的管理层收购实践为出发点,分析管理层收购由于运作不规范产生了一系列问题,包括公众股东的利益受到损害;国有资产流失;损害企业的持续发展能力等。最后提出相应的政策建议,解决实现公司价值最大化的问题。  [关键词]管理层收
淡淡的秋天…… 秋风起,电脑游戏业也开始在这个季节进入淡季,尽管偶尔也会有一些大作问世,但基本上整个电脑游戏业缺乏生气。 和2001年中文游戏业在暑假期间的场面形成鲜明