You’ll never need to buy another pencil ever again

来源 :第二课堂(高中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuluzy
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  Mechanical pencils are becoming more and more popular, but one Austin mechanical designer wants to make the best one out there.
  Andrew Sanderson has created an eye-catching metal mechanical pencil that he says will last a lifetime. He found that he was going through plastic mechanical pencils very quickly at work, and realized that not only is that hurting his wallet but the environment too.
  It seems many people have been looking for just such a pencil-Sanderson’s Kickstarter campaign has raised almost 10 times its goal of $4,000 with 50 days still remaining! In the past other writing-related inventions have done extremely well on Kickstarter, so this is no surprise.
  Sanderson’s pencil is designed to last forever and is made in America. It won’t break like a plastic one-it comes in aluminum(鋁)or brass(黄铜)-and because it is well made people will keep it better and won’t want to lose it.
  “If you just buy this one and it lasts you much longer, it’s just better for everything. Better for the environment, better for local manufacturing. You spend more time with it, and it becomes a part of you; it’s not like the simple one: when it’s broken, you throw it away,” Sanderson says in the campaign video.
  One of the reasons most mechanical pencils are made from plastic is because their inner workings are complicated to make. To make up for the time and cost that goes into making the inside work, the outside is made with a cheap plastic.
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