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新课程标准把“听话、说话”改为“口语交际”,这不仅仪是提法上的变化,更重要的是体现了观念上的改变,体现了时代的要求。语言交际能力是21世纪人才必备的,是现代社会发展的需要。语言交际能力的强弱将直接决定一个人在社会交际中的成败,甚至影响到求职、事业的成败。当今的中学生口语表达令人担扰,回答问题表达不清,说话不连贯,课堂上不敢举手发言。因此, 培养学生的语言交际能力,是每一位语文教师不容忽视的问题。学生口语交际能力的训练,要坚持循序渐进的原则,不可操之过急,就中学语文的实际情况而言,我认为应分3个阶段,即初一阶段、初二阶段、初三阶段。这3个阶段的训练顺序的设计,应本着由简到易、由易到难的原则,使学生的口语交际能力逐步提高。 The new curriculum standards changed “obedient and speaking” to “verbal communication”. Not only is the instrument a change in formulation but, more importantly, it reflects the change in concept and reflects the requirements of the times. The ability of language communication is necessary for talents in the 21st century, and it is the need for the development of modern society. The strength of language communication will directly determine the success or failure of a person in social communication, and even affect the success or failure of job search and career. Today’s oral expression in middle school students is disturbing, the answers to questions are unclear, and the discourse is incoherent. They do not dare to raise their hands in class. Therefore, cultivating students’ language communication skills is a problem that every Chinese teacher can’t ignore. The training of students’ oral communication skills must adhere to the principle of gradual and orderly progress and must not be rushed. In terms of the actual situation of middle school language, I think it should be divided into three stages, namely the first stage, the second stage and the third stage. The design of these three stages of training should be based on the principle of simple to easy and easy to difficult, so that students’ oral communication ability can be gradually improved.
由西安交通大学开元集团公司开发生产的多功能JOJ硅酸盐稀土隔热涂料,日前通过陕西省科委和省建材局组织的鉴定。 多功能硅酸盐稀土隔热涂料是西安交大有关专家、教授在综合
本文分析了煤块的脱水过程和微波脱水的机理,并经过台架试验,论证了风速、风温对脱水速率的影响。论证了煤块微波对流脱水的可行性。 In this paper, the dehydration proce
课堂教学语言是思维的载体,是实现教学目标的依托,是沟通教材与学生的桥梁,是启迪心智的一把金钥匙,是提高课堂教学时效性的重要策略。那么小学数学教师的课堂教学语 Classr