几年前,从飞机上鸟瞰,这里还是奎屯的“棚户区”“贫民窟”;如今,这里已经成了奎屯脚手架与塔吊最多的地方。一座座现代化的工厂拔地而起,天北大道、团结北街等一条条平坦宽阔的大马路伸向远方…… 诞生仅仅两年,历史已惊叹于这里的巨变。从最新版的奎屯市城区地图上可以看到,在城的北部已出现了一个崭新的名字--天北新区。这是一个兵地融合发展的新城区。
A few years ago, bird’s eye view from the plane, here is Kuitun “shanty town ” “slum ”; Now, here has become the most Kuitun scaffolding and crane places. A modern factory is not far from where it stands. The wide and wide stretch of the road, such as the North Avenue and the North Street of Unity, extends to the distance ... Only two years after its birth, history has been marvelized by the great changes here. From the latest version of Kuitun city map can be seen in the northern part of the city has emerged a brand new name - North New Area. This is a converging development of new urban areas.