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目的:研究曲拉通X-100(Triton X-100,TTX)是否会改变脑内递质及合成酶免疫组织化学定位特征,及是否与其浓度有关。材料与方法:观察了高、低浓度TTX预处理脑切片,对胆碱乙酰化酶、P物质和γ-氨基丁酸样免疫反应神经元胞体及终未,在树鼩内侧隔核、斜带核及海马,免疫组化定位的影响。并在树鼩和猫脑探索了缓冲的低浓度梯度酒精替代 TTX的可能性。结果:在树鼩脑,当 TTX为 0. 1%时,内侧隔核、斜带核三类神经元胞体染色变浅,数量减少,甚至消失,而海马及内侧隔核、斜带核的P物质同及γ-氨基丁酸阳性终末明显增加。当TTX为0.01%时,以上情况正好相反。以10%~25%~40%~25%~10%酒精PBS(pH7.4)替代TTX,在树鼩和猫的海马及内侧隔核、斜带核能相当好地同时显示γ-氢基丁酸和P物质阳性神经元胞体和终末。结论:不同浓度的TTX处理脑切片,可能对脑内众多神经活性物质的免疫组化定位特征产生不同影响。提高或降低 TTX浓度,分别有助于显示神经元终末或胞体。上述梯度酒精替代TTX,在免疫组化光、电镜研究中,有助于同时显示阳性神经元胞体和终末。 Objective: To investigate whether Triton X-100 (TTX) can change the localization of immunohistochemical markers of brain neurotransmitter and synthetase and whether it is related to its concentration. MATERIALS AND METHODS: High and low concentrations of TTX preconditioned brain sections were observed. The mitochondria of cholinese acetylase, substance P and γ-aminobutyric acid-like immunoreactive neuronal soma were observed, Nuclear and hippocampal, immunohistochemical localization. And explored the possibility of replacing the TTX with buffered, low-concentration, gradient alcohol in tree shrews and cat brains. Results: In tree 鼩 brain, when TTX is 0. 1%, the medullary septal nucleus and oblique nucleus neurons of the three types of neurons staining lighter, the number decreased, or even disappear, while the hippocampus and the medial septal nucleus, oblique substance P substance and γ-aminobutyric acid positive terminal was significantly increase. When the TTX is 0.01%, the above is the opposite. TTX was replaced by 10% ~ 25% ~ 40% ~ 25% ~ 10% alcohol PBS (pH7.4) in the hippocampus and medial septum of the tree shrews and cats. Acid and substance P-positive neuronal somatosomes and terminals. CONCLUSIONS: Different concentrations of TTX treated brain slices may have different effects on the immunohistochemical localization of many neuroactive substances in the brain. Increasing or decreasing TTX concentrations, respectively, helps to show neuronal terminals or cell bodies. The replacement of TTX by the above gradient alcohol helps to show both the positive neuronal somatic cell body and the terminal cell in immunohistochemical light and electron microscopy studies.
作者对湖南产的二种中药材皮子药及混淆品竹叶椒皮进行了性状特征、显微特征、薄层层析、微量元素的研究,为鉴别药材及应用药材提供实验依据。 The author studied the trait
用TLC法对四逆散制剂中的枳实、白芍、柴胡、甘草同时进行定性鉴别。该方法简便、快速、可靠。 TLC method was used to qualitatively identify Fructus Aurantii, Bletill
目的 获得大量完整的重组乙肝病毒( H B V)pre S1 多肽纯品,以利于pre S1 功能与免疫学性质的研究。方法 比较不同表达载体及不同的培养、诱导和纯化条件,最大限度地使表达产物免受大肠杆菌