
来源 :北京化工大学学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qqwd1
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本文论述了鲁西抗日根据地创建的历史背景、经过及其伟大意义。1937年“七·七”事变后,平津失陷,日冠沿津浦线大举南侵,直指山东。具有革命斗争传统的鲁西人民,面对国民党正面战场溃败,奋起反抗日冠侵略。鲁西共产党人遵照党中央创建抗日根据地、开展游击战争的指示,担负起领导组织人民抗日救亡的重任。他们同国民党第六区专员兼保安司令范筑先将军精诚团结、共同抗日,使鲁西北出现了抗日救亡的高潮。聊城失守,范筑先殉国,统一战线破裂,鲁西形势急转直下,党中央和八路军总部及时派出主力部队巩固并发展了鲁西抗日根据地。1940年3月,鲁西行政主任专署成立,标志着鲁西抗日根据地最后形成。 This article discusses the historical background of the establishment of the anti-Japanese base in Luxi and its significance. After the Sept.7 Incident of 1937, Pingjin fell into disrepair and the Japanese crown southbound along Jinpu Line, pointing to Shandong. The people of Luxi, who have the tradition of revolutionary struggle, face the defeat of the front battlefield of the Kuomintang and rise up against the Japanese Crown. The Lusi Communists, in accordance with the instructions of the party Central Committee for establishing a base for resistance against Japan, conducted guerrilla warfare and assumed the important task of leading and leading the people in resisting Japan and the country. They were in solidarity with anti-Japanese commander Fan Zhuxian, Commissioner of the 6th District of the Kuomintang, and jointly resisted the Japanese invasion so that the climax of the anti-Japanese national salvation appeared in northwestern Shandong. Liaocheng fell, Fan Zhu first martyred, the united front broke down, the situation in western Shandong surged, the CPC Central Committee and the Eighth Route Army headquarters in time to send the main force to consolidate and develop the anti-Japanese base of Luxi. March 1940, Luxi Executive Director Agency was established, marking the final formation of the Anti-Japanese Base Area in Luxi.
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