发挥税收职能 服务西部开发

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税务机关是国家的行政执法机关,税务干部是国家的行政执法人员。税务机关及其广大税务人员应把自觉贯彻执行和切实落实好各项税收法律、法规、服务服从于西部开发的大局,作为是讲政治、顾大局、守纪律的一项重要工作,依照国家的政策规定,保证各项税收政策不偏不倚地落实到位,原原本本地服务西部大开发。一要从全局的高度,提高对党中央实施西部大开战略重要举措的认识,把思想统一到党中央的决策部署上来,把税收工作置于国家整个经济发展和改革开放的伟大事业中来,把做好税收本职工作同富民兴黔和促进贵州经济全面发展有机结合起来。围绕西部大开发在做好本职工作上下功夫,抓落实,形成良好的内外部环境,确保整个贵州经济的健康发展。 The tax authorities are the administrative law enforcement agencies of the country, and the tax cadres are the administrative law enforcement officers of the country. The tax authorities and their vast numbers of taxpayers should consciously carry out and effectively implement the overall interests of various tax laws, regulations and services in the development of the western region as an important task in speaking of politics, taking overall plans and observing discipline. According to the requirements of the state Policies and regulations, to ensure that all tax policies put in place without any hesitation, originally serving the western development. First, we must, from the overall situation, raise our awareness of the CPC Central Committee’s important move in implementing the strategy of extensively starting the western region, unify our thinking with the decision-making arrangements of the CPC Central Committee, put the taxation work in the great cause of our country’s overall economic development and reform and opening up, We should do a good job of taxing our own work with enriching people and promoting Guizhou’s all-round development of Guizhou’s economy. Focusing on the great development of the western region, we must make great efforts to accomplish our own work and grasp the implementation so as to form a good internal and external environment so as to ensure the healthy economic development of Guizhou.
通过联合建立行业秩序  ——民营社科文艺图书发行联合体     背景:2005年1月16日,全国民营社科文艺图书发行联合体在北京正式挂牌,这是第一家正规的民营书店联合体,目前成员单位有19家。联合体有一定的组织机构与工作范围,形成规范的宗旨和公约,对加入联合体的条件、步骤和退出机制都有明文规定。  联合体成员有陕西音乐天地书刊发行部、广东学而优书店有限公司、北京鹏飞一力图书有限公司、郑州市博览书店
草地螟(Loxostege sticticalis L.)幼虫蛟食甜菜、大豆等多种作物叶片,严重时将植株地上部全部毁坏,以致造成绝产。1980年黑龙江省较大面积发生了此虫害,1982年又在全省普遍
药剂防治稻纵卷叶螟的适期,经我们多年实践的体会,认为以二至三龄时为好。因为: 1.稻纵卷叶螟的发生期不整齐,同一时间内有不同虫态和不同虫龄的幼虫,不可能在短期内连续施
如今出版物上常出现“某某是’十大杰出青年’” 的说法,许多人不同意这样用,认为应该说成“某某是 ’十大杰出青年’之一”。你说呢?请发表高见。 Many people disagree wi
为进一步扩大我省对内开放,鼓励省外县级以上人民政府组织当地投资者来川投资,同时鼓励省内县级以上行政区 In order to further expand the province’s internal opening