
来源 :The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pandawang1231
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Objective: We aimed to evaluate the efficiency of serum testosterone suppression as well as the potential for agonistic stimulation of serum testosterone during chronic treatment with monthly(3.75 mg) depot formulation of domestic substitute of leuprorelin acetate microspheres for patients with metastatic prostate cancer. Methods: A total of 23 patients with metastatic prostate cancer were enrolled in the prospective study and received 6 monthly intramuscular depot injections of domestic substitute of leuprorelin acetate microspheres. Their levels and patterns of serum testosterone suppression and the potential for agonistic stimulation of serum testosterone were monitored following injection monthly(3.75 mg) depot formulation of domestic substitute of leuprorelin acetate microspheres for 24 weeks. Results: Mean testosterone was 431.4 ng/dL, 119.3 ng/dL, 28.2 ng/dL by week 1, 2, 3 and decreased to less than 15.6 ng/dL by week 4 where it remained throughout the treatment period. Median time to suppression of serum testosterone was 20.7 days. No transient minor “escape” from suppression occurred in all patients which was defined as a single testosterone value greater than 50 ng/dL once suppression was achieved. Assessment of agonistic stimulation following the second depot injection revealed no pattern of stimulation. Conclusion: We concluded that monthly(3.75 mg) depot formulation of domestic substitute of leuprorelin acetate microspheres could provide persistent, stable suppression of serum testosterone throughout the dosing intervals, and that the initial depot injection of this formulation also could provide sufficient pituitary desensitization to prevent agnostic stimulation of serum testosterone during chronic treatment. Objective: We aimed to evaluate the efficiency of serum testosterone suppression as well as the potential for agonistic stimulation of serum testosterone during chronic treatment with monthly (3.75 mg) depot formulation of domestic substitute of leuprorelin acetate microspheres for patients with metastatic prostate cancer. Methods: A total of 23 patients with metastatic prostate cancer were enrolled in the prospective study and received 6 monthly intramuscular depot injections of domestic substitute of leuprorelin acetate microspheres. Their levels and patterns of serum testosterone suppression and the potential for agonistic stimulation of serum testosterone were monitored following Results: Mean testosterone was 431.4 ng / dL, 119.3 ng / dL, 28.2 ng / dL by week 1, 2, 3 and decreased to less than than 15.6 ng / dL by week 4 where it remaining throughout the treatment period. Median time to suppression of serum testosterone was 20.7 days. No transient minor “” escape from occurred in all patients which defined as a single testosterone value greater than 50 ng / dL once suppression was achieved. Assessment of agonistic stimulation following the second depot injection revealed no pattern of stimulation. Conclusion: We said that monthly (3.75 mg) depot formulation of domestic substitute of leuprorelin acetate microspheres could provide persistent, stable suppression of serum testosterone throughout the dosing intervals, and that the initial depot injection of this formulation also could provide sufficient pituitary desensitization to prevent agnostic stimulation of serum testosterone during chronic treatment.
【中图分类号】G633.41 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2013)09-0111-01  英语作为一门语言学科,与其他语言学科一样,具有知识零散、知识面广的特点,甚至可以说我们所接触到的任何英语都可以称为知识,这也就给我们的复习带来了一定的难度。我们无法像数理化一样将知识系统化,我们也无法像政史一样将知识统一于一个主题之下。这就要求我们随时随地地将所遇到的知识记录下来,那么
【摘要】随着新课标的实行,课堂教学的主要任务是培养出具有创新精神和创造性思维的学生,以满足社会新形势的需要。对学生创新思维的培养就是培养他们获取知识、处理加工信息的能力和语言交际能力。这是在学习和实践中不断培养和发展起来的。在教学过程中,教师要调动学生思维,使学生会学习,学好英语。  【关键词】创新思维 激发兴趣 学案  【中图分类号】H31 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(20
【摘要】我国的大学英语听力教学经过改革之后取得了一定成就,但是学生听力水平整体较低的状况并没有从根本上改善,造成这一现象的原因是多重的,其中比较关键的一个因素就是先进理论指导的欠缺。而后方法理论作为一种新颖的教学理念,对大学英语教学颇具指导意义,本文就立足后方法理论视角,对大学英语听力教学改革进行简要探讨。  【关键词】后方法理论 大学英语教学 听力教学改革  【中图分类号】H31 【文献标识码】
【摘要】“有效课堂”教学要求,教师主要教会学生学习方法,让学生自己去探索发现,去探究训练。所以,教师要精心研究学生,精心引导学生,改进英语课堂的各个教学环节(导入新课,展示学习目标,热身,新目标语言的学习,听说读写训练,知识的拓展,学习评价,作业布置等)的设计,提高课堂效果。  【关键词】有效课堂 探究训练 教学设计 课堂效果  【中图分类号】G633.41 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095