亚洲第二个李小龙 ——记中国第一位拳击留学生李建文

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只要付出,就能收获,付出愈多,收获则愈大。果实历来都是靠心血和汗水浇灌的。——题记在国内,他的名字并不很响,知其名者充其量不过是体育圈里的人。然而,在俄罗斯乃至整个独联体,他的名字却家喻户晓,并被视为传奇人物加以传诵。前苏联不仅有多所以他名字命名的“武术学校”,就连全国武术大赛也冠以他的名讳。他的事迹在前苏联各大报刊也时有所见,其中《红旗报》发的《亚洲第二个李小龙》尤为生动。一个普通的留学生,何以在独联体这般受宠,并为祖国赢得了殊荣,趁到俄罗斯考察之机,我在莫斯科采访了他。他并不是我想象中的那样人高马大,身材魁梧。他个头不高,1.63公尺左右,但长得很适称。长方形的脸庞,浓眉大眼。眸子乌黑发亮浸透着英武之气。异国他乡遇故人,又是体育记者,李健文显得很激动,话匣子一打开便没完没了说个不停。 As long as the pay, you can harvest, pay more, the greater the harvest. Fruit has always been by hard work and sweat irrigation. - inscription in the country, his name is not very loud, knowing that its name is at best, but people in the sports circle. However, in Russia and throughout the Commonwealth of Independent States, his name is widely known and is considered as a legends to be chanted. The former Soviet Union not only had so many “martial arts schools” named after him, even the national martial arts competition was also crowned with his name. His deeds have also been seen in major newspapers and periodicals in the former Soviet Union. The “Second Bruce Lee in Asia” made by Hongqi Daily is especially vivid. An ordinary foreign student, why so favored in the Commonwealth of Independent States, and won the honor for the motherland, taking advantage of the Russian inspection, I interviewed him in Moscow. He is not as tall as I imagined, tall. He is not tall, about 1.63 meters, but looks very fit. Rectangular face, thick eyebrows. Eyes bright black soaked with British military atmosphere. Foreign stranger, but also a sports reporter, Li Jianwen was very excited, talk of the box opened endless endless talk.
  Objective To observe the effect of Continuous renal replacement therapy in treatment of rhabdomyolysis and lactic acidosis.Methods The clinical data of two
人所共知:空气流动即成风。中国盛行季风气候,冬寒、春温、夏热、秋凉。在祖国中医学中,风为“六淫”(风、寒、暑、湿、燥、火)之首,可见,风对人体健康有很大的影响。 It is