
来源 :体育世界(学术版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhwa
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当前的航运职业已经不再局限于对相关从业者有技术方面的要求,同时对他们心理素质方面也已经提出了越来越高的要求,因此,提高航海专业大学生的心理素质这一问题已经受到越来越多高校的重视。本文将主要探讨在非理性因素的影响下,体育锻炼将会给航海专业大学生的心理健康带来哪些帮助。 The current shipping career is no longer confined to the technical requirements of the relevant practitioners, but also their psychological quality has also been put forward higher and higher requirements, therefore, to improve the maritime professional psychological quality of students this problem has been More and more college attention. This article will mainly explore the impact of physical activity on the mental health of marine majors under the influence of irrational factors.
In the experimental simulation carried out in a rotating annulus of stratified fluid, theeffects of the cross-equatorial current over the West Indian Ocean, th
2011年5月24日,《癌症研究》(Cancer Res)杂志在线报道美国前瞻性研究结果:与每周以轻松步速行走 3 hours of rapid walking per week compared to
The sedimentary-reformed ore deposit is one of the main types of strata-bound ore de-posits. The elements for the formation of sedimentary-reformed ore deposit
对文艺复兴的现实艺术的特征与精神以及影响进行探索,并谈对文艺复兴时期的现实主义美术的看法。 Exploring the features and spirits of the Renaissance realistic art a
病例:患者,男性,28岁,因咳嗽、胸闷伴低热1周来我院就诊。体格检查示,血压130/70 mm Hg,心率78次/分,体温36.7℃。心电图提示“窦性心率,左心室高电压”。腹部超声检查结果示
现代海洋沉积物中的矿物主要可分成两大类:即自生矿物及陆源矿物。 自生矿物:在现代海洋环境中由各种作用(如化学作用、生物—化学作用等)所形成的新生矿物,通称自生矿物。
现在,人们越来越关注自身健康,很多人都加入到运动健身的行列中,但是传统健身方式,如跑步、跳健身操等,很难让我们看到锻炼的效果,以致很多人都是三分钟热度,最后难以坚持锻炼下去。于是人们开发出越来越多的智能设备,让运动健身更加充满乐趣。  智能,首先体现在运动器材上,一些专业的智能运动装备可以让我们更准确地了解自己的竞技水平,同时还能帮助我们掌握更准确的姿势甚至帮助我们避免受伤。  美国一家体育技术公
Different languages have different cultures, and different cultures pose great difficulties for translators. In this paper, the present state of literary transl