
来源 :云南大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hbjxwjy
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水作载体输运固体物质将形成一种具有悬移质相混合的水体。这种水体有天然形成的,如由于水土流失造成的含沙水流;也有由人工形成以便传输或选择某些特定的固体介质,例如吸泥船吸出的泥浆,浮选法选矿时所形成的悬移质水体。不论悬移质水体如何形成,在实用中都需作定量测量。已有的方法如取样法、γ射线法、重浮子法等都有着许多缺点。为了寻求一种新的悬移质含量测量方法,我们经过几年的摸索,研制成一种振动式悬移质含量测量仪。经过大量现场试验及应用,证明这种仪器的基本原理是正确的,具有结构简单、使用方便,测定快速,能适用于恶劣环境如潮湿、尘埃、强振动等。由于能将悬移质含量直接变换为电信号,因而可方便地应用在连续测量、自动记录以及自动控制的场合。 Water as a carrier to transport solid material will form a mixture of suspended matter with water body. Such bodies of water are naturally formed, such as sandy currents caused by soil erosion; artificially formed for the transmission or selection of certain specific solid media such as suctions drawn from suction dredgers, suspended during the flotation process Transfer water body. Regardless of how suspended body water forms, it is necessary to make quantitative measurements in practice. The existing methods such as sampling method, gamma ray method, heavy float method and so on have many shortcomings. In order to seek a new measurement method of suspended matter content, we developed a vibratory suspended matter content meter after several years of exploration. After a large number of field experiments and applications, the basic principle of this instrument is proved to be correct. It has the advantages of simple structure, convenient use and quick determination, and can be applied to harsh environments such as dampness, dust and strong vibration. Because of the direct conversion of suspended matter content of electrical signals, which can be easily applied in continuous measurement, automatic recording and automatic control of the occasion.
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