江南民间有“立夏见三鲜”之说,这三种时鲜货之一是蚕豆,在南方,开春后蚕豆就上市了。面对餐桌上那绿油油、香喷喷的蚕豆,令人馋涎欲滴。每年随着蚕豆上市,那鲜为人知的蚕豆病便接踵而来,是人们意想不到的事情。 有极少数的婴幼儿,吃了蚕豆之后会闹一场凶险的蚕豆病,表现为进食后数小时至半天,突然出现畏寒、发热、头痛、阵发性腹痛、恶心、呕吐等一系列症状,患儿脸色苍白和泛黄,巩膜(眼白)黄染,往往被当作急性黄疸性肝炎而误诊误治,但引人注目的是患儿的尿液并不黄染,而是如同酱油或红葡萄酒,此为“血红蛋白尿”,令人望而生畏。病情严重者可以出现高热、寒颤,患儿神志不清,
Jiangnan people have “legislation and see San Xian,” said, one of these three kinds of goods is broad beans, in the south, after the spring broad beans on the market. Facing the table that green, fragrant beans, mouth-watering. With the introduction of broad beans every year, the little known famine disease will come one after another, people are unexpected things. A very small number of infants and young children, after eating fava beans will make a vicious vicious bean disease, manifested as eating a few hours to half a day after a sudden chills, fever, headache, paroxysmal abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and a series of symptoms , Children pale and yellow, sclera (white) yellow dye, often as misdiagnosis and mistreatment of acute jaundice hepatitis, but the striking is that children’s urine is not yellow dye, but as soy sauce or Red wine, which is “hemoglobinuria”, is daunting. In severe cases, there may be fever, chills, children with ambiguity,