
来源 :生物学教学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:clxzzx
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最近,我们以高三幼师《生物学》中的“性别决定和伴性遗传”一课为题开展教研活动。有生物、化学、历史、地理四个教研组教师及语、数、英、政各科部份教师共四十多人参加。活动由学校的高级教师、生物教研组长负责主讲。通过说课——听课——评课“三步曲”,对本课教学进行“解剖”,试图探索提高课堂教学质量的途径,从而找出中学生物学教学的出路。 “说课”主要是一说教材(教学目的、重点、难点及本课应理解、掌握、运用的知识点),二说教法(本课采用“创设乐学情境,激发学习情趣”,“精心设疑激趣,以趣激学”及“培养思维,强化训练,倡导合作共学”),三说学法(本课学法是培养兴趣,强化思维,反复练习)。 高三幼师《生物学》中的“性别决定与伴性遗传”(与普通高中《生物》内容相近)是生物学中难度较大的内容,整节课也没有任何直观图、表辅助。教者选取此课有其较大的代表性。参加活动的四十几位教师通过说课、听课以及课后对学生的各种反馈活动,认为这节课有新意、 Recently, we carried out teaching and research activities under the title “Sex Determination and Sex Genetics” in the third grader “Biology”. There are more than 40 teachers from the four teaching and research groups of biology, chemistry, history and geography, and teachers of the language, math, English, and government departments. The activity is led by senior teachers of the school and leaders of the biology teaching and research group. Through lectures—listening—classifying “three steps”, the teaching of this lesson is “anatomized” and attempts are made to explore ways to improve the quality of classroom teaching, so as to find out the way out for middle school biology teaching. “Speaking lessons” is mainly about teaching materials (teaching purpose, key points, difficulties, and knowledge points that the lesson should be understood, mastered, and applied), and the second teaching method (this lesson adopts “create music learning situations, inspire learning interest”, and “careful “Set doubts and interest, learn with interest” and “train thinking, intensify training, and promote cooperation and cooperation”). The three-speaking method (this method is to cultivate interest, strengthen thinking, and practice repeatedly). The “sex determination and the genetic inheritance” in Biology’s “Biology” (compared with the content of “biology” in the general high school) is a relatively difficult content in biology, and there is no visual or table aid for the whole class. The teacher’s choice of this class has its larger representation. The 40-odd teachers who participated in the activity thought that this class had new ideas through lectures, lectures and various feedback activities for students after school.
针对中学数学教育的实际,对数学问题的认识与实践作一些探讨. Aiming at the reality of middle school mathematics education, this paper discusses the understanding and
一、教学目的和要求 1.能认识电流周围存在磁场,并掌握直线电流和通电螺线管周围磁力线的分布情况。 2.能正确运用安培定则判断直线电流周围磁力线的方向和通电螺线管的磁极