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国庆长假过后,按照山西省政府的计划,煤矿整合基本进入收官之战。“到2010年底,全省矿井数将由2598座下降至1000座,煤矿企业将由2200家减少至100家左右”的目标正在逐步实现。此时,距离山西省政府4月15日通过《山西省煤炭产业调整和振兴规划》才仅仅只有6个月。此前的9月6日,历时一年之久的山东钢铁集团与日照钢铁控股集团也签订了资产重组协议。悲情主角民营企业家杜双华终于没能扛得住政府多管齐下的压力,接受了强加给日照钢铁的重组宿命,在新山东钢铁集团中仅占33%的股权,丧失了一手打造起来、正在茁壮成长的日照钢铁集团的控制权。两起事件,一个发生在山东,一个发生在山西,一个是钢铁,一个是煤炭,看似不相关的两起事件,它们都有一个共同点:那就是国企兼并民企。也就是眼下被媒体称为的“国进民退”现象。“国退民进”被认为是我国改革开放最重大的成就——政府退出市场,能最大限度激发经济的活力。然而,曾经的“国退民进”每次都会因宏观调控转向或经济低迷出现反复和倒退。如今,随着全球金融危机的影响,曾经的“国退民进”也悄然转为“国进民退”。 After the National Day holiday, according to the plan of Shanxi provincial government, coal mine integration basically entered the ending war. “By the end of 2010, the number of mines in the province will be reduced from 2598 to 1000, and the number of coal mining enterprises will be reduced from 2,200 to about 100.” The goal is gradually being realized. At this point, from the Shanxi provincial government on April 15 adopted “Shanxi Province coal industry restructuring and revitalization plan” only only 6 months. Prior to September 6, lasted a year of Shandong Iron and Steel Group and Rizhao Iron and Steel Holding Group has also signed an asset restructuring agreement. Tragic protagonist Du Shuanghua private entrepreneurs finally failed to withstand the multi-pronged government pressure to accept the imposed imposed on the reorganization of Rizhao steel fate in the new Shandong Iron and Steel Group only 33% of the shares, lost one-handed build, is Rizhao Iron and Steel Group to control the growth. Two incidents, one in Shandong, one in Shanxi, one in steel and one in coal, seemingly unrelated to the two incidents, all have one thing in common: that is, the merger of state-owned enterprises and private-owned enterprises. That is the moment the media called the “national withdrawal” phenomenon. “National withdrawal from the people ” is considered to be the most significant achievement of China’s reform and opening up - the government to withdraw from the market, to maximize the vitality of the economy. However, once the “national withdrawal from the people into the” every time due to macro-control turn or the economic downturn repeated and regressive. Nowadays, with the impact of the global financial crisis, once the “national withdrawal from the people into the country” has been quietly turned into a “national withdrawal”.
60年,流金一甲子。60年,弹指一挥间。60年间,鞍钢的命运与新中国的发展紧紧相连。60年前,当鞍钢恢复生产时,残存的生产能力仅为年产铁50万吨、 60 years, a golden child. 6
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