Synthesis and molecular modeling study of Cu(Ⅱ) complexes derived from 2-(diphenylmethylene)hydrazin

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woodcock9
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Thiosemicarbazones of 2-amino-5-chlorobenzophenone and 3-aminobenzophenone(L~1-L~4) have been synthesized and their Cu(Ⅱ) complexes(1-4) were afforded via coordination with cupric chloride.All these compounds were characterized by UV-vis and IR spectroscopy together with CHN elemental analysis.NMR spectroscopy was also applied to characterize the ligands.In vitro chohnesterase inhibitory assays for the complexes(1-4) showed IC_(50) values less than 10μmol/L,with complex 1 exhibiting the most activity,IC_(50)=2.15μmol/L and 2.16μmol/L for AChE and BuChE,respectively. Molecular modeling simulation revealed the binding interaction template for complex 1 with the AChE and BuChE receptors.In DPPH assay,the complexes also showed more in vitro antioxidant activities in comparison to their parent ligands. Thiosemicarbazones of 2-amino-5-chlorobenzophenone and 3-aminobenzophenone (L ~ 1-L ~ 4) have been synthesized and their Cu (Ⅱ) complexes (1-4) were afforded via coordination with cupric chloride. by UV-vis and IR spectroscopy together with CHN elemental analysis. NMR spectroscopy also also applied to characterize the ligands. NMR spectroscopy was also applied to characterize the ligands. NMR spectroscopy was also applied to characterize the ligands. 1 exhibiting the most activity, IC 50 = 2.15 μmol / L and 2.16 μmol / L for AChE and BuChE, respectively. Molecular modeling simulation revealed the binding interaction template for complex 1 with the AChE and BuChE receptors. In the DPPH assay, the complexes also showed more in vitro antioxidant activities in comparison to their parent ligands.
联合国艾滋病规划署在本周的一份报告中指出 ,虽然某些富裕国家采用抗逆转录酶治疗艾滋病 (AIDS)并使艾滋病患者的存活率有所提高 ,但今年死于AIDS的人数将达历史最高水平。联合国艾
患儿女 ,4岁 ,因月经来潮三次 ,双侧乳房增大 ,于 1 998年 4月 8日来我院就诊。患儿系第一胎 ,足月妊娠 ,阴道助产分娩之女婴 ,出生时无产伤及窒息 ,生后母乳喂养。无发热、
目的 :比较膳食控制与烟酸肌醇的降胆固醇效果。方法 :取在泸州化工厂职工医院职工查体诊断为轻度高胆固醇血症病例 175人 ,随机分为两组 ,甲组 90例控制膳食中胆固醇的摄入
患者 ,女 ,70岁 ,因腹痛腹泻 3小时 ,呼之不应半小时入院。 3小时前无明显诱因出现腹痛 ,并相继稀水样便 3次 ,无脓血、未呕吐 ,体温未测。自服阿托品 2片 ,后村医肌注阿托品
患者 ,女 ,36岁 ,已婚 ,工人。主因心前区发作性疼痛 1周 ,加重 15分钟 ,于 1999年 9月 3日就诊。患者近 1周来每天于晨间 6时许休息时发生心前区压榨性疼痛 ,持续 5~ 8分钟 ,
故障现象一辆2009款手动挡新宝来轿车,行驶时车门升降器和喇叭有时不工作。故障诊断用专用故障检测仪VAS 5052A检查发现中央电子装置(J519)中有故障代码存储(图1):00532—电
目的:研究10余年来因胎儿异常导致妊娠终止的倾向,评价尸检对最后诊断及妊娠终止后的指导意义。 设计:对限定人群中先天异常的病历档案进行回顾性研究。 资料来源:牛津先天