A Few Questions About “On Information”

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In his article “On Information” published in the 1985 No.2 issue of SocialSciences in China Li Ming examines the process of information cognition of humanbeings and the history of the emergence of information theory and furthermore,givesa definition of information derived from physical interactions.His observations arevery enlightening.However, there are still a few questions worth further study.First, in giving a definition to information,his first generalization is that in-formation is “a universal attribute of matter.” And he further says,“Here,sub- In his article ”On Information “ published in 1985 No.2 issue of Social Sciences in China Li Ming examines the process of information cognition of human beings and the history of the emergence of information theory and furthermore, givesa definition of information derived from physical interactions.His observations arevery enlightening.However, there are still a few questions worth further study. First, in giving a definition to information, his first generalization is that in-formation is ”a universal attribute of matter. “ And he further says, ”Here, sub-
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