汲取试点经验 深化“三讲”教育——兵团“三讲”试点单位经验介绍

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本栏编首语以“讲学习、讲政治、讲正气”为主要内容的党性党风教育,是党中央进一步深化邓小平理论学习、在市场经济和跨世纪发展新形势下提高党的凝聚力和战斗力、实现国家跨世纪目标的一个战略性举措,是结合新的实际对领导班子和领导干部进行的一次深刻的马克思理论的自我教育,也是广大领导干部在改造客观世界的同时改造主观世界的一次伟大实践,是当前各项工作的“重中之重”。兵团党委对此十分重视,做了认真部署,在全兵团精心选择兵团党委宣传部、兵团外经贸局作为兵团开展“三讲”教育活动试点单位,先行一步开展“三讲”教育,以这两个单位的成功经验推动全兵团“三讲”活动的深化,进而以“三讲”教育促进兵团今年的各项工作。目前,“三讲”活动正在全兵团蓬勃开展。各级党委务必将“三讲”教育当作关系党和国家前途命运的大事,以高度的政治责任心、足够的领导精力、良好的精神状态切实抓紧抓好,确保“三讲”教育取得成效,不走过场。兵团“三讲”教育试点的实践表明,“三讲”教育要取得明显成效,就必须把坚持整风精神作为根本指导思想,贯彻 In this column, the education of the party spirit and party style with the main content of “stressing on learning, stressing politics and stressing righteousness” is the party Central Committee’s decision to further deepen the study of Deng Xiaoping Theory and improve the cohesion of the party under the new situation of market economy and cross-century development And combat effectiveness to achieve the cross-century goal of our country is a self-education based on a profound Marxist theory that combines the new reality with the leading bodies and leading cadres. It is also the task for the vast numbers of leading cadres to reform the subjective world while transforming the objective world A great practice is the “top priority” of all the current work. The Corps party committee attaches great importance to this and has done a serious deployment. At the Corps, the Propaganda Department of the Corps Party committee and the Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of the Corps, as the corps, conducted pilot training programs on “three stresses” education activities and conducted “three stresses” education first . With these two units ’successful experiences, they will promote the deepening of the entire corps’ “three stresses” activities and further promote the work of the Corps this year with the “three stresses” education. At present, the “three stresses” campaign is being vigorously carried out by the Corps. Party committees at all levels must regard the education of “three stresses” as a major event that has a bearing on the future and destiny of the party and the country, earnestly grasp the work with a high sense of political responsibility, sufficient leadership and a good mental state, and ensure that “three stresses ”Education is effective, not through the field. The practice of the Corps and the “three stresses” education pilot program shows that to achieve remarkable results in the “three stresses” education, we must take the rectification spirit as the fundamental guiding principle and implement it
一、要充分认识开展“三讲”教育的重要意义中央确定开展这次教育活动,是进一步贯彻党的十五大精神,在全党深入开展学习邓小平理论,加强领导班子建设,提 First, we must fu
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