
来源 :现代经济信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zuochuan002
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高校经费是高校发展的重要基础,教学经费管理则是民办高校的重点,怎样将教学经费发挥到最大的作用,一直是各所高校值得思考的问题。如今,在浙江省高考改革的大背景下,招生形势的变化和生源的减少,随之教学经费也相应缩减,这就要求民办高校必须加强经费的精细化管理强度和因需而改革,以提高高校经费管理效益并落到实处。文章结合精细化管理的概念及民办高校经费管理存在的问题,提出了民办高校经费管理对策及相应的方法。通过对民办高校教学经费现状的阐述,深入的分析了民办高校在教学经费管理过程中突出的问题,并提出了一些解决方法。 University funding is an important foundation for the development of colleges and universities. Teaching expenses management is the key point of private colleges and universities. How to maximize teaching funds has always been a question worth considering in colleges and universities. Nowadays, under the background of college entrance examination reform in Zhejiang Province, the change of enrollment situation and the decrease of students’ source, and the corresponding reduction of teaching funds, require that privately-run colleges and universities must intensify the fine management of funds and reforms due to the need to improve The effectiveness of university funds management and implementation. Combining with the concept of fine management and the existing problems in the management of privately run colleges and universities, this paper puts forward the countermeasures and corresponding methods for the funds management of private universities. Through elaborating the current situation of teaching funds in private colleges and universities, this paper deeply analyzes the outstanding problems in the process of teaching funds management in private universities and puts forward some solutions.
IT促进业务发展方面的成功经验,在于要求技术人员要改变思维,更多地参与业务,更好地理解业务。——题记 The success of IT in business growth requires that technologist
顶岗实习是高职院校实践教学重要形式。本文概述高职学生顶岗实习存在的主要问题,从教育、管理、考核等方面探讨解决问题提高顶岗实习教学效果的办法。 Internship is an im
1 临床资料rn患儿,男, 3个月 16天,因“喂养困难,生长缓慢”就诊.患儿系第二胎第二产,孕 38 周剖宫产(第一胎为剖宫产),出生体重2650g,身长 49cm,头围 31cm,羊水Ⅰ度,脐带胎