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Paris, the capital of France, is located in northern France on both banks of the Seine River, 145km from the river’s mouth on the English Channel. A total of 2, 135, 300 inhabitants live in Paris proper, and almost 11 million persons live in greater Paris, which is one of Europe’s largest metropolitan areas. A city of world importance and the business, historic, intellectual, diplomatic, religious, educational, artistic, and tourist center of France, Paris owes its prosperity in large part to its favorable position on the Seine, which has been a major commercial artery since the Roman period. Paris, the capital of France, is located in northern France on both banks of the Seine River, 145km from the river’s mouth on the English Channel. A total of 2, 135, 300 inhabitants live in Paris proper, and almost 11 million persons live in greater Paris, which is one of Europe’s largest metropolitan areas. A city of world importance and the business, historic, intellectual, diplomatic, religious, educational, artistic, and tourist center of France, Paris owes its prosperity in large part to its favorable position on the Seine, which has been a major commercial artery since the Roman period.
西藏,萨迦,一个伴着古老传说的地名。萨迦派,曾在13世纪中叶到14世纪初掌管西藏地方统治权近一个世纪,在藏地文化和历史上写就浓重一笔,同时也在萨迦留下历史痕迹。  然而,深藏在藏南一隅的萨迦,即便是青藏铁路开通引起的旅行热,也只是有部分游人从珠峰或是阿里归来顺路转个弯到萨迦寺转上一圈然后匆匆返回。  2006年,我第一次到达萨迦,在这里停留了六天。在县城租了一辆拖拉机沿着乡村的泥土小路一直向东行进
患者20岁,住院号2000,因停经21周要求引产于1989年8月6日入院.末次月经1989年3月17日,曾行人工流产4次.查体:T36.6℃,P82次/分,Bp 13.3/8.8kPa.宫底平脐.血 Hb 100g/L,WBC10
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本文对34例妊娠期患过甲型肝炎(甲肝)的孕产妇所生的新生儿在出生后进行了抗-HAV IgM,ALT及体重的测定和临床观察(以34例正常孕产妇所生的新生儿为对照)。结果没有发现HAV通
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