A paleosol classification with the inclusion of ancient arctic and subarctic region soils

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:abchkiesh
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Paleosol identification is simplified by considering soil as a natural body withinternal organization and a history of formation. This definition assumes that we accept paleosolsas soils. In a paleosol classification, inclusion of the cold region paleosols at the suborder levelplaces temperature (climate) in balance with the other soil forming factors. Because ancienttemperatures were not recorded, we use soil and parent material properties as proxies to identifyancient soils from Arctic and Subarctic regions. The properties include permafrost andcryoturbation features as well as those resulting from glacial processes. These features generallypersist through later cycles of soil formation as climate has changed. Examples both within andbeyond the glacial borders in Wyoming, Illinois, and Indiana, USA are presented and classifiedusing an arctic paleosol suborder modifier, the formative element. Paleosol identification is simplified by considering soil as a natural body withinternal organization and a history of formation. This definition is that we accept paleosolsas soils. In a paleosol classification, inclusion of the cold region paleosols at the suborder levelplaces temperature (climate) in balance with the other soil forming factors. Because ancienttemperatures were not recorded, we use soil and parent material properties as proxies to identifyancient soils from Arctic and Subarctic regions. The properties include permafrost andcryoturbation features as well as those resulting from glacial processes. These features generallypersist through later cycles of soil formation as climate has changed. Examples both within and beyond the glacial borders in Wyoming, Illinois, and Indiana, USA are presented and classifiedusing an arctic paleosol suborder modifier, the formative element.
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