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读了植物保护1964年第六期张之光等同志的“试论粘虫越冬迁飞问题”一文以后,觉得文中有些问题值得深入讨论。为了使问题愈辩愈明,有助于今后粘虫研究工作,作者等不揣翦陋,愿提出我们的一些肤浅看法。先就粘虫成虫在山东越冬的可能性究竟有多大这一问题提出商榷,错误之处,请予指正。 张之光等同志认为粘虫在北方(暂定山东)以成虫越冬,根据是:(1)成虫在山东出现很早(3月初出现,个别2月下旬);直至11月25日尚能见到成虫,不可能从南方迁飞到如此低温的北方;还观察到成虫有随气温冷暖而时隐时现,认为是成虫隐蔽在当地越冬;(2)根据1961—1963年早春和入秋剖检雌蛾,秋末腹卵发育都在0—2级,绝大多数未交尾,而 After reading the article entitled “On the Problem of Moving Mythimna separata Walker over Mythimna separata Walker” published by Zhang Zhiguang et al., Plant Protection No. 6, 1964, I feel that some problems in the text are worth discussing in depth. In order to make the issue more defensive and more clear, it will be helpful for the future research on armyworms and insects, and the author would like to make some superficial opinions. First on the possibility of adult armyworm in Shandong overwinter the question of how much to discuss the issue, the wrong place, please correct me. Zhang Zhiguang and other comrades believe that armyworms overwinter as adults in the north (tentatively designated as Shandong) on ​​the basis of: (1) adult worms appear very early in Shandong (early March, individual late February); adults can still be seen up to November 25 , It is impossible to migrate from the south to such a low temperature in the north; adults also observed with the temperature of warm and cold and sometimes hiding, that the adults covered in the winter wintering; (2) according to 1961-1963 in early spring and autumn autopsy female Moth, late autumn abdomen egg development are in the 0-2 level, the vast majority of unaccompanied, and
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白绢病是一种真菌性病害,属白绢霉属,罗氏白绢病种.本病是苏州茉莉的主要病害之一,俗称“霉树”.在发病严重地区,一般发病率可达30~50%,造成茉莉成批死亡.病原和生活史 苏州茉
在云南烤烟产区,蛞蝓(俗称旱螺)主要在苗期为害,发生普遍,轻者造成缺苗,重则几天内全田吃光,严重威胁烤烟生产。 1962年起我们开始进行1605、敌百虫、滴滴涕、666等药剂防治
<正> 起因研究施用堆肥等有机物对土壤线虫和土壤病害的影响是极为重要的。作者以前进行过关于有机物和线虫关系的调查。家畜粪(鸡粪)对防除土壤线虫(短体线虫属;根结线虫属)
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