
来源 :当代中国史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wwjnb2009888
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1953年9月,中共北京市委主持制定了《改建与扩建北京市规划草案的要点》,第一次明确提出“必须及早筹划地下铁道的建设”,从此拉开了北京地铁建设的序幕。北京地铁的建设一开始就与战备连在了一起,在线路方案和埋设深度等方面,军方的意见受到重视。与此同时,相关部门进行了一系列前期的规划与施工准备工作。但1961年由于经济困难,中央决定北京地铁建设暂时下马。此后由于国际形势趋于紧张,我国面临战争威胁,1965年北京地铁开始恢复建设,并成立了以军方领导人为主的地铁建设领导小组。1989年12月20日,地铁“一环一线”通过了国家验收正式投入运营。现在,北京地铁已从最初的“战备为主,兼顾交通”转变为以交通运营为中心,在城市交通中发挥着越来越重要的作用。 In September 1953, the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee presided over the formulation of the “Outline of Reconstructing and Expanding the Draft Beijing Plan”. For the first time, it clearly proposed that “the construction of the Mass Transit Railway must be planned as early as possible,” thus starting the prelude to the construction of the Beijing Metro. The construction of the Beijing Subway has been linked up with combat readiness at the very beginning. The military’s opinions have been taken seriously in the aspects of the plan of the line and the depth of embedding. At the same time, relevant departments conducted a series of preliminary planning and construction preparations. However, due to economic difficulties in 1961, the central government decided to temporarily dismantle Beijing’s subway construction. Since then, due to the tense international situation, our country is facing the threat of war. In 1965, the Beijing Subway started its construction and set up a leading group for subway construction with the military leaders as the mainstay. December 20, 1989, the subway “a ring” passed the national acceptance officially put into operation. Nowadays, the Beijing Subway has shifted from the initial “major combat readiness and traffic control” to a traffic operation center, playing an increasingly important role in urban traffic.
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目的:运用便携式床旁超声心动图(Bedside echocardiography)观察老年非心脏手术患者在麻醉诱导期左心功能的变化情况,为麻醉提供参考指标,以期提高老年患者在非心脏手术麻醉
<正> 德国德意志研究联合会(DFG)是1920年成立的德国科学界的自治机构,并且是德国最大的科学研究资助机构,主要资助自然科学、工程科学、生物学和医学及人文社会科学等所有学